18 of 20
Which of the following sentences sounds like the most disappointing news to you?
  • a

    Your idea was rejected!

  • b

    Sorry; your hard work was not enough this time

  • c

    You have been betrayed

  • d

    More people are losing their face in humanity


Question 18: Which of the following sentences sounds like the most disappointing news to you?

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The Dosha quiz exposes your dominant Ayurvedic energy type. It is a set of 20 simple questions with accurate results. Start the test to discover your Dosha.

Dosha Quiz Explained for Newbies

It is a questionary that aims to find out which Ayurvedic energy (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) is leading your body. The idea comes from ancient India, where Ayurveda was considered the Science of Life. By taking the test, you allow us to examine your spiritual and physical energies, revealing the most important one.

The questions vary by topic. However, the primary goal of all is to analyze your body type, personality, mentality, and physical wellbeing. That is because such factors identify your chief Dosha.

How does it work?

You answer twenty personality-, body-, and lifestyle-related questions. The algorithms then analyze your data, comparing them to similar people. Finally, you receive the 100% complete analytical result, learning your dominant Ayurveda type, and much more.

Why do I need to take it?

It is vital to know your Dosha type for Yoga practices. The idea is that your health affects the outcome of your practices. So, a less healthy body equals less effective yoga progression. Most people want to know what their Dosha is to improve their wellbeing—and eventually practice better.

Plus, you should know your energy type in case you want to go through an Ayurvedic diet. The food you eat changes the levels of your Doshas. So, the first step to regulate them is to know how your body is balancing the three primary energies.

What is the connection between Dosha and Yoga?

Sahara Rose, a yoga coach, says, “Yoga is a spiritual exercise. It allows you to become one with the universe.” But when it comes to Ayurveda traditions, she believes, “Balanced Doshas help you achieve more spirituality. That is because you cannot connect to the universe when your body is not doing okay.”

So, the two subjects are cooperative and accommodating. You need both to meditate properly and improve your lifestyle.

6 Ways to Discover Your Dosha Type

Different methods work when it comes to Ayurveda practices. Some prefer to talk or consult a life coach. Others attend workshops or take online courses. However, the top five free ways to find your dominant Dosha are listed below. These are the most comfortable and most accessible techniques that everyone can use.

Method #1: Your Body Type

One of the oldest ways to distinguish between the three Doshas is by examining your body type. People are categorized into three groups for this purpose, lean, medium (well-built), and large body frame. Each of these groups links to one dominant Ayurvedic energy.

You can find out yours according to the below table.

Body Type Dosha
Lean, skinny, thin Vata
Medium, well-built, muscular Pitta
Large, stocky, heavy Kapha


Method #2: Your Personality

Another method to answer “what is your Dosha type?” is by analyzing your personality. Each dominant energy leads to particular traits and behaviors. So, you could identify your energy and elements according to your overall personality and characteristics.

Vata Personality Traits:

When everything is okay, people who are high in Vata are creative, artistic, and airy. However, their personality’s dark side makes them rather anxious, constipated, and depressed.

Pitta Personality Traits:

Individuals with Pitta dominancy are energetic, ambitious, goal-oriented, structured, organized, and hardworking. However, they can become angry, easily irritated, frustrated, and uneased when things go wrong.

Kapha Personality Traits:

Kapha-dominant people are motherly, giving, caring, calm, and humble. However, their character might lead them into becoming resentful, sad, and hopeless people.

Method #3: Your Physical Problems

Ayurveda is the science of life. It believes that imbalanced Doshas cause health-related problems. So, your body could reveal so much information about your leading energy. The following table shows what issues you might face if things are not balanced.

Dosha Imbalance Possible Health Problems
High Vata Feeling gassy, cold hands and feet, dry skin
High Pitta Heartburn, acidic stomach, acne, rashes, sensitive skin
High Kapha Lethargic, stuck weight gain, extra weight


Method #4: Your Tongue

According to the ancient Indian Science of Life, your tongue is linked to your wellbeing. Sahara Rose, who has spent two years living based on Ayurveda principles, says, “the interesting this about this ideology is that you can guess many things just by looking at your tongue.”

According to her, there are four possibilities:

  • Having a cracked tongue. It means that your Vata is imbalanced.
  • Having a red tip on your tongue. It indicates a Pitta inequity.
  • Having a tongue coated in white substances. It means your Kapha is uneven.

Method #5: Your Lifestyle

Ayurvedic beliefs indicate that a day has six 4-hour chapters. You should devote each of them to one particular Dosha. And people unconsciously spend more energy during their dominant Dosha’s daily cycle. That means a person with high Pitta is more likely to feel better from 10 AM to 2 PM and from 10 PM to 2 AM. The following table helps you figure out how your lifestyle could reveal your energy type.

Time of the Day Active Dosha Best Thing to Do
6 AM to 10 AM Kapha Preparing yourself for the day
10 AM to 2 PM Pitta Doing most difficult tasks
2 PM to 6 PM Vata Doing creative work
6 PM to 10 PM Kapha Slowly ending the day
10 PM to 2 AM Pitta Sleeping
2 AM to 6 AM Vata Waking up at 6 AM


Note: being more active during one of the abovementioned periods means that particular Dosha is dominant in your body.

Method #:6 Online Dosha Test

The most convenient examination technique is a Dosha quiz. It is a completion of all said methods in one place. Instead of spending time on each specific approach, find out your leading energy type in less than 10 minutes. All you have to do is to answer twenty questions about yourself.

Better Questions to Ask Than “What Is My Dosha?”

You do not own only one Ayurvedic energy type. Everyone has all the three Doshas at once. The only difference is their balance and levels. So, you might want to ask more accurate questions for better answers. (See below).

What is my constitution?

The constitution is the Ayurvedic type that you are born with. And it never changes. Knowing your structure helps planning a healthier diet and lifestyle.

What is my imbalance?

If one Dosha is dominant in your body, you are imbalanced. The goal of the Science of Life is to keep things even—the whole time. So, you should know your inequity to improve your health. Otherwise, you might make things worse.

What is my “dominant” Dosha?

You do not have one particular Ayurvedic energy type. So, it would be pointless to look for your Dosha—since you already have all three of them. However, it is a good idea to discover the dominant one. That is the energy that is causing your health problems.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Taking the Ayurveda Test

You need the results for spiritual experiences.

As most yoga experts suggest, you cannot achieve your divine goals with unnatural and corrupt physic. Taking the Dosha quiz allows you to see what is uneven in your body. And that leads to planning a recovering lifestyle before forcing yourself into tough practices.

The quiz helps with your lifestyle.

The food you eat affects your energy. Taking the Dosha test is one way to understand what is wrong with your lifestyle. Any wide of the mark habit increases the levels of one particular energy. So, you can backtrack to find the root cause after finishing the questionary.

It reveals your Prakriti.

The Dosha quiz on this page focuses on the imbalance of your energies. So, by the end of the test, you will realize which kind of Prakriti (Dosha inequity) you have.



Any scientific organization does not approve Ayurvedic practices and beliefs. So, QuizExpo does not encourage anyone to follow or apply such exercises in their lives. The Dosha quiz’s goal on this page is to entertain the users—and not to diagnose them with any condition.