9 of 20
How do you feel about politicians?
  • a

    They are corrupt and weak

  • b

    They are tools of the ruling class

  • c

    They must be accountable to the people

  • d

    They are loyal servants

  • e

    They serve the interests of the state

  • f

    They must embody the spirit of the nation


Question 9: How do you feel about politicians?

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Curious about which murderous villain character you might resemble? This ant-hero typology quiz unveils the dictator within you.

Murderous Villain Test, Explained

The Murderous Villain Test is a dark-core personality analyzer. What it does is overview your unfavorable traits to expose which evil dictator you resemble.

Everyone has a side that they keep hidden from others. However, the Murderous Villain Quiz allows you to compare your controversial thoughts with those of history’s most notorious leaders—just in case you’re tired of ignoring your dark core.

If you’re too impatient to wait for the test results, use the following table to find your brutal doppelganger.

Murderous Villain Features
Joseph Stalin Paranoid, manipulative, violent
Saddam Hussein Deceptive, megalomaniacal, vengeful
Pol Pot Isolated, sadistic, delusional
Idi Amin Narcissistic, unpredictable, bloodthirsty
Mao Zedong Ruthless, cult of personality, ideological fanatic
Nicolae Ceausescu Obsessive, egotistical, out of touch
Robert Mugabe Divisive, corrupt, power-hungry
Muammar Gaddafi Eccentric, autocratic, cruel


Some Examples of Real-Life Villains

According to the World Population Review, “There are 52 countries with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country.” And some modern-day examples of murderous villains are Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Miguel Diaz-Canel of Cuba.

But only a few people have managed to enter the dictatorship half of fame; here’s a list of three of them.

Adolf Hitler

As the guy who initiated World War II, orchestrated the Holocaust, and ordered the extermination of innocent people, Adolf Hitler’s name tops the list of the most hated murderers. Personality-wise, he was a highly charismatic and persuasive speaker. But his authoritarianism turned him into a horrible leader who caused millions to die.

Vladimir Putin

Considering his war crimes, Vladimir Putin is a rising star on the list of the most despicable politicians of contemporary history. Personality-wise, he seems like a charismatic and strong man, but deep inside, he’s just a power-driven blood-thirsty devil.

Muammar Gaddafi

Despite introducing himself as a nationalist, Muammar Gaddafi allegedly killed 10,000 to 30,000 people during his tenure. Personality-wise, he was a delusional narcissist who called himself the king of Arab countries. (But he died like a filthy rat when he was trying to flee his own country.)

What Makes You a Murderous Villain

You’re here because you asked, “Which murderous villain am I?” But hey, don’t you wonder what might make you one? Below are the primary features and traits that can turn anyone into a heartless dictator.


Being unable to tolerate dissent is a subtle sign of dictatorship. If you can’t stand disagreement, you have an oppressing beast in you that’s hungry for power and control.


If you’re a self-centered, entitled, and egotistic person, it’s likelier for you to resemble a murderous villain. Dictators and real-life bad guys don’t care about anyone but themselves, and they feel entitled to hurt others just to achieve their personal goals.

If you’re worried about being self-centered, take our quiz called “Am I a Narcissist?” It exposes your egotistic persona with brutal honesty.


Lack of empathy is another shared feature among dictators. If you can’t understand others and don’t even care about their emotions, you’re a murderous villain.

What’s the Point of Taking the Villain Personality Test?

Real-life bad guys are not as one-dimensional as, say, DC villains; despite their horrible actions, they are still complicated humans with emotions. And according to the Big Five Personality theory, we all have a bit of a dictatorship in us.

Taking the Murderous Villain Test is an opportunity to face your dark side, see what your toxic behaviors are, and try to better yourself. Its frankness will help you self-reflect and identify parts of your personality that need improvement. (Plus, it’s a super-fun test that will amuse you with its unexpected results.)

Are You Ready to Meet the Anti-Hero in You?

Do you still want to know which murderous villain you are? If yes, take this inner dictator quiz and meet the bad guy who’s been lurking within your dark side.

The following questions reveal which infamous antagonist you are—and explain why you are a perfect match for that horrible person!