12 of 15
Has your fear of germs affected your love life?
  • a

    No, not really

  • b

    Kind of, yes

  • c

    Yes, it has ruined it

  • d

    No, but my lack of fear of germs has


Question 12: Has your fear of germs affected your love life?

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This Germaphobe Test will help you find out if you are a germaphobe or not. It’s all about cleanliness, germs, and you!

The Germaphobe Test Explained

With 20 hygiene questions, the germaphobe test is a germaphobia and OCD self-assessment. It helps you self-diagnose any irrational fear of germs based on your obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

What Is Germaphobia?

Germaphobia (aka mysophobia) is an irrational fear of germs, microbes, bacteria, and contaminants. A germophobic person feels extreme anxiety and might go through a panic attack when exposed to triggers such as dirt, scars, infections, etc. As with all other types of phobias, germaphobia has false alarms: It triggers unnecessary fight-or-flight responses.

On the opposite flank of the germaphobia spectrum, there are people who love germs. Germaphile is someone who’s fond of microorganisms for a peculiar reason.

What Causes Germaphobia?

While the root cause varies for each person, germaphobia is usually caused by childhood trauma, behavioral exposure, false information, OCD, or neurological factors.

Signs You Are a Germaphobe

If you constantly worry about getting contaminated, can’t stop washing your hands or cleaning personal objects, and are afraid of physical interactions with other people, you are likely a germaphobe.

But note that the level of irrational fear varies from one person to another. So, you might despise germs and choose a super-hygienic lifestyle without being diagnosed with a phobia.

Generally, though, the following signs indicate you are a germophobe:

  • Peculiarly long and detailed cleaning routine.
  • Extreme anxiety and panic attacks when exposed to germs.
  • Avoiding dirty surfaces at all costs.
  • Limited physical interactions like hugs or shaking hands.
  • The constant fear of surrounding germs.
  • Isolated social and dating life.

The Truth About Germs That School Didn’t Teach You

Jason Tetro, the author of The Germ Code, believes that “good germs exist.” In fact, according to Jason, out of over 2 million germs on our planet, less than a thousand are harmful microorganisms. He suggests that instead of fearing microbes, we need to love them, as they keep up healthy.

Without helpful microbes, our bodies would fail to function—and our species would go extinct. An average human has 39 trillion microbes and bacteria. And every single one of them to survive.

OCD Vs. Germaphobia: Which One You Have?

Not every obsessive-compulsive disorder is triggered by germs. However, all germophobes exhibit obsessive-compulsive behaviors in regard to cleaning and hygiene. In other words, not all OCD patients have germaphobia, but all germaphobia patients have some level of OCD.

To find out if you have OCD or germaphobia, analyze the triggers. What activates your fears? If your anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behavior are solely related to microbes and invisible contaminants, then it’s likely germaphobia. However, if your behavior is triggered by other factors beyond germs, then it could be OCD.

Are You Germophobic? Take the Test to Find Out

Stop asking yourself, “Am I a germaphobe?” Instead, take the germaphobia test on this page and get diagnosed immediately. The following questions identify if you just have an irrational fear of germs or if it’s a totally different condition.

Hit the start button, and let’s analyze 20 factors to see if you are a germophobe! 🔎👾