16 of 20
Are you experiencing muscle tone loss?
  • a

    No, my muscles seem to be fine

  • b

    I don’t think so, but I haven’t checked

  • c

    Yes, I’ve lost a lot of muscle tone

  • d

    Yes, I’ve gone through minor losses


Question 16: Are you experiencing muscle tone loss?

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Do you worry about having epilepsy and ask yourself, “Did I have a seizure?” This 20-factor symptoms quiz helps you determine if you had an epileptic seizure.

Did I Have a Seizure? Sings you had a seizure.

If you experienced uncontrollable jerking movements, loss of consciousness, staring, falling suddenly for no reason, body stiffening, breathing problems, and loss of bladder/bowel control, you had a seizure.

Take an Epilepsy Quiz to Make Sure

The test is a series of questions about the symptoms, experiences, genetics, and other factors. The goal is to answer questions like, “Did I have a seizure?” as accurately as possible.

We have already created a reliable Concussion Test for those who undergo symptoms after an injury. But here, you answer specific epilepsy-related questions to get results.

Analyze the symptoms.

The ‘did I have a seizure quiz’ makes it easier for you to self-evaluate what happened. It includes questions about the signs, symptoms, and red flags. And together, they enable you to get your head around the situation. If you usually lose consciousness during a seizure, ask someone who’s been with you to participate in the test. They can provide valuable information and assist you with the test.

Inspect the possibilities.

The quiz considers other similar conditions that might look like epilepsy. For instance, you might want to ask, “Do I have MS?” when considering all the possibilities. The two neurological problems have some similar symptoms that might confuse you.

Get a reliable breakdown.

By taking the ‘did I have a seizure quiz,’ you have the chance to get a trustworthy analysis. Of course, it’s only a medic who can diagnose you with the condition. So, the results are not diagnostic. However, they give a solid idea of what’s going on with your body and what you need to do about it.

Questions that the Test Answers

The premise of the quiz is to help you figure out if you have epilepsy. But there are other related questions that it answers as well. Here are some examples.

Did I have a seizure in my sleep?

Making noises, wetting the bed, jerking movements while sleeping, feeling confused or lost after waking up, biting your tongue, and other unusual activities indicate that you had a seizure in your sleep.

The quiz analyzes all the red flags and worrying signs to see if that’s the case with you.

Was it a generalized or partial seizure?

Epileptic seizures are categorized into two main groups, generalized and partial. The former happens when both of your hemispheres are involved in abnormal brain activities. The latter occurs when the electrical abnormality is focal and in one hemisphere.

During the ‘did I have a seizure quiz,’ we analyze all your symptoms to decide if it was generalized or partial.

Seizure types chart

Partial Seizures With retained awareness,  With a loss of awareness
Generalized Seizures Absence (formerly known as petit mal), Tonic-Clonic or Convulsive (formerly known as grand mal), Clonic, Myoclonic
Other Seizures Infantile Spasms, Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures (PNES)

Do I have epilepsy?

According to the Epilepsy Ontario organization, 1 in 100 people might experience one seizure during their life. But that won’t turn them into an epilepsy patient. You need to go through at least two unexplainable attacks to diagnose the condition. That’s also how the quiz determines if you have epilepsy or not.

How Do I Know If I Had a Seizure? (Without a Quiz)

It’s crucial to see a doctor to see if you have had a seizure. But if you want to analyze your condition in advance, here are things that you need to look for.


As mentioned on, the most prominent symptoms are “Staring, jerking movements of the arms and legs, stiffening of the body, loss of consciousness, breathing problems or stopping breathing, loss of bowel or bladder control, falling suddenly for no apparent reason, especially when associated with loss of consciousness, not responding to noise or words for brief periods, appearing confused or in a haze, nodding your head rhythmically, when associated with loss of awareness or loss of consciousness, periods of rapid eye blinking and staring.”

Frequency and Repetition

You do not have epilepsy if you have only had one seizure throughout your life. So, the frequency and reputation of your episodes are important. The ‘did I have a seizure quiz’ considers the patterns to provide reliable analysis.

Family Background

Neurologists believe that genes play a significant role in epilepsy. If you have a close relative with seizures or similar conditions, you’re more likely to have the same neurological problems. That’s why the quiz runs a quick inspection on your family and background to make sure the results are finetuned.

Brain Injuries and Traumas

Any damage to your head or going through severe traumas in life can lead to seizures—and epilepsy. So, during the ‘did I have a seizure quiz,’ you go through a series of questions that reveal such experiences.

How Reliable Is the ‘Did I Have a Seizure Quiz?’

Keep in mind that you’re taking a self-report test. So, the accuracy of the results depends on the honesty and preciseness of your responses. If you want to get the most out of the results, ensure you read and answer each question carefully.

Disclaimer: Read Before Taking the Test

Having a seizure might be an indication of something much more serious. You should not rely on any online quiz to make decisions about your condition. Ignoring your symptoms might be fatal. Please, see a doctor and let them run clinical examinations to decide if you have epilepsy or not.

The ‘did I have a seizure quiz’ is not meant to be diagnostic. It’s only a self-report questionnaire to help you analyze your symptoms and have an idea about what might be going on.