19 of 20
Why did Ragnar forgive Floki for killing Athelstan?
  • a

    Athelstan told him to forgive Floki

  • b

    He felt pity for Floki's wife and daughter

  • c

    He loved Floki so much and could not punish him

  • d

    He did it to show everyone that he is a merciful king


Question 19: Why did Ragnar forgive Floki for killing Athelstan?

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This Vikings Trivia Quiz will challenge your knowledge with trivia questions about Viking characters, stories, gods, and the cast. Can you score more than 80%?

About the Vikings Series

Vikings is a historical show, started in 2013, which became popular from the very first season. As the producers claim, the show is so close to the real history of Scandinavia. It describes their worrier people, called Vikings, a brave and surely violent generation of humans famous for their skills and brutality in battles. Despite the effort of directors to show their good costumes and behaviors, their wild way of living can not be denied and is constantly present in the series. It also contains the Norse gods and their tales, worshiped and respected by Vikings in strange and mysterious ways.

The Story and The Main Character

The show is mainly about the tale of the legendary Viking, Ragnar Lothbroke, who was once a simple farmer with his wife Lagertha and their children. Ragnar grew tired of attacking the same place every summer (as it was a custom among Vikings for so long, to invade other realms for gold, silver, or any other type of treasure they could find), so he decided to go west, an unknown land to Vikings of his time, only tales told by wanderers. Unlike many who didn’t believe their wired stories, Ragnar was obsessed with west lands, a new land full of treasure and new opportunities for his people.

As you have already guessed, the story begins with Ragnar’s voyage, after the disagreement of the city’s ruler to sail with him towards the west in the discovery of new lands. Their boat was built by Floki, Ragnar’s most trusted and loved friend.

After days of struggling in a boat, hopeless and tired, they reach the kingdom of England, whose people were Christians. It was a significant and changing event for both Ragnar and his people.

It was there where Ragnar first met the monk Athelstan, who became a very dear friend of him afterward. Their encounter changed how Ragnar saw the world, challenged his soul and beliefs, and gave him new knowledge and ideas.

On the other side of the story, Athelstan, who was enslaved by Ragnar and lived months within the Viking culture, was conflicted in mind, fascinated and affected by their gods, doubted in his faith, and kept asking himself whether or not he should abandon his beliefs and god.

As you go further, you will soon realize the twist between Ragnar and his ambitious brother Rollo. They had a close relationship at first, but Rollo’s desires and his love for Lagertha make it hard to remain friends.

Their mental fight is always present in the show, for no matter how hard Rollo tries to be better and more significant than his brother, he fails. But this wasn’t unusual among Vikings, as they fought a lot among themselves and had a lot of civil war all over the lands. And, of course, the betrayals that can be found in the series in a considerable number, even among brothers.

The story will also focus on the life and achievements of Ragnar’s son, Bjorn, and in the following seasons, his other sons, who all reached fame and glory in their way. (S) almost all of the characters do not stay together and fall apart, to go on their journey and create their own story. So, we will see more than one or two main characters as the story advances, and all of them are so interesting and exciting for all tastes.

The story precedes the Viking people and focuses on the England kingdom, early Russia (known as Rus Vikings in the series), and some other lands and different beliefs and religions. The show does challenge your faith by showing different gods and convincing you to believe them, and that is why it is forbidden in some countries. Also, the war between religions is one of the main subjects in the series.

Who Should Watch This Show?

At last, if you are bored, depressed, or don’t know what series to watch, Vikings can be an excellent choice for you, especially for those who love historical shows and don’t mind seeing a little blood and violence.

Vikings Trivia Quiz

If you have watched this series, you know that there are hundreds of new characters and new secrets in each season. So it will be very amazing to challenge the real fans of Vikings with a mind-blowing Vikings Trivia Quiz. If you think you are a super fan of this show, challenge yourself with this Vikings Trivia Quiz.

After his death, Athelstan came to Ragnar one night and asked for his forgiveness upon Floki.Why did Ragnar forgive Floki for killing Athelstan? 1