3 of 20
Do you own any business equity?
  • a

    No, I’m happy with my own career.

  • b

    No, I don’t have enough money to buy equity.

  • c

    Yes, but I’m a beginner. My share is small.

  • d

    Yes, I transform most of my money into equity.


Question 3: Do you own any business equity?

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Do you ask yourself, “Will I be rich?” This wealth quiz identifies how likely you are to make it—in percentage!

Will You Be Rich? Signs You’ll Make It

You will get rich if you start investing early, set realistic financial goals, budget your money, have an emergency fund, avoid high-interest debt, and replace procrastination with the right mindset.

How Likely Is It for You to Get Rich?

If you are an adult, 57 or younger, living in the US, there’s an 8.8% chance that you’ll become a millionaire in the next 10-20 years. However, the chances of earning $1,000,000 per year are as low as 0.071%.

But realistically, becoming wealthy depends on your financial background, education level, current job, age, and even sex.

Here are the top three ways people get rich in the US. (Source: FinMasters).

Job or Event The likeliness of Getting Rich
Inheriting money 3%
Having a six-figure income 37%
Owning real states 40%


If you believe in astrology, this one’s for you: Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Capricorn, and Aries are the star signs with the highest chance of becoming rich.

5 Attitudes of a Person Who Will Be Rich in the Future

While it’s challenging to predict one’s financial future, having the following manners indicates you’re on the path to becoming wealthy.

1.     Questioning the norms.

A person with the right mindset would be skeptical of the status quo in their society. Such a person would question what’s right and wrong when it comes to financing, investment, and income—which in turn, would give him an extensive view of money.

2.    Taking risks.

No rich person has made it without taking risks.

Risk-taking is one of the primary features of a wealthy mindset. Playing safe rarely results in a significant win, especially regarding wealth.

3.    Being careful with money.

Although risk-takers, the rich are not reckless. They go all in only when they can afford failure. In other words, they play it smart, not careless.

4.   Initiating instead of procrastinating.

Letting your ideas lay on the table is not the way to go. Wealthy person has the outlook of an initiator—they step up, do the job, analyze the results, and repeat.

5.    Appreciating failure.

The business has no room for the snowflake, oversensitive people with fragile mentalities. It values those who learn from their mistakes and keep going regardless of the odds.

What Does Being Rich Mean in Today’s World?

According to the Charles Schwab Modern Wealth Survey 2022, Americans define “rich” as a person with a minimum net worth of $2.2 million. Currently, having a net worth of $774,000 is merely considered “financial comfort,” not wealthiness.

Take a Finance Quiz to See if You’ll Be Wealthy

As with most people, you’re probably overthinking, “Will I be rich or poor?” If that’s the case, take the wealth prediction quiz.

With its 20 finance and personality questions, the test determines how probable it is for you to become rich and famous. And it’s accurate.


The quiz includes no financial advice. It’s an educational and entertaining test to answer questions like “Will I be rich?”