1 of 15
What kind of content are you mostly interested in?
  • a

    TV shows and reality shows

  • b

    Blockbuster movies

  • c

    Live TV

  • d

    A mix of shows and movies

  • e

    Nostalgic TV shows and documentaries


Question 1: What kind of content are you mostly interested in?

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If you wonder which streaming service fits your needs, take this quiz. We help you analyze the best one based on 15 factors, including cost and content.

How to Choose the Right Streaming Service

According to IBIS World, there are 239 video streaming businesses in the US. Despite this abundance of options, the average American household allocates only $48 per month to these services. It’s evident that Americans must streamline their choices to find the optimal provider. However, putting this into practice is more challenging than it sounds.

A four-step process to pick the right subscription is as follows:

Review the Original Content

Visit the official website of your preferred services and glance through their flagship shows. These are pieces of content that you won’t find anywhere else. If you like the original content of one provider better than the rest, you’re one step closer to choosing your subscription.

Figure Out the Content Rotation

The norm for streaming services is to have rotating schedules. Basically, each company hosts a specific range of series, documentaries, movies, and reality shows for a limited time. And if one provider’s schedule meets your needs, you can bring it higher on your wish list—because you don’t want to pay for an expensive video service only to miss out on your favorite shows.

Compare Costs and Plans

US streaming services exhibit a broad cost spectrum, ranging from a modest $2.99 to a substantial $19.99. Before committing to any service, it’s advisable to compare their prices and plans. A useful tip: several providers offer family plans, enabling multiple devices to use the same subscription, potentially lowering your overall expenses.

The following table shows the current price range for select streaming services according to Statista.

Subscription Monthly Cost
Netflix $19.99
Hulu $17.99
HBO Max $15.99
Disney+ $13.99
Paramount+ $11.99
Peacock $5.99
Amazon Prime Video $2.99


Opt in to the Free Trials

Before making a final decision, explore various streaming services. The major five companies (i.e., Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Max, or Disney+) typically offer special deals for first-time users, either reducing the initial cost or granting access to the full library for a specific duration. Utilize these offers to form an opinion and secure a subscription that meets your expectations.

Best Streaming Service for Each Need

The following table categorizes the top streaming service providers based on what they do best.

Subscription Best for
Netflix Original series
Disney+ Original movies
HBO Max Content variety
Amazon Prime Video Additional benefits (Prime Membership)
Hulu Live TV
Apple TV Cheapest deal


The Foolproof Way of Picking the Best Subscription

Choose by numbers. If you don’t want to go wrong with your purchase, have a look at the streaming service statistics. The numbers reveal which subscription matches your current budget and need. If you want to go with the most popular option, Netflix is your best bet. If you want the cheapest service, Apple TV is an excellent choice.

Recent data shows that the top streaming services in the US are Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video, with users considering cost, ease of use, and variety of content as the main reasons for their popularity.

If you don’t want to face the paradox of choice, limit your options to these services. These companies have stood the test of time and are likely to have something to satisfy all TV tastes.

Let Your Needs Decide Your Streaming Service

In the ever-growing market of streaming services, choosing the right subscription can be overwhelming. But fear not, as we have created a self-assessment that can identify the best option for you—based on your desires, dislikes, and budget.

Figure out which streaming service you should get right now. The following questions are the criteria you must consider before subscribing to any providers. We’ve just made it easy for you to narrow down your choices with this checklist.