This Quiz Reveals Which My Hero Academia Hero You Are
The test contains twenty questions. Its goal is to expose what kind of a student you would be in the MHA universe.
- Read the instructions.
- Answer 20 MHA-related questions.
- Find out who you are.
Instructions: How to Take the “Which My Hero Academia Character Are You” Quiz Successfully
Press the “Take Quiz” button to start the test immediately. However, to get the most accurate results, keep these three things in mind.
Answer as if you are a U.A. High School student.
The questions create imaginary scenarios that take place in the U.A. High School. You have to think as if you are one of the students who want to react to the situation. You might be asked to decide, select the best strategy, or discuss your feelings.
Remember, there is no right or wrong answer.
It is not a My Hero Academia trivia. You do not need to find the correct answer. The best way to take the test is to choose the option that makes sense to you. If you are a trivia fan, please take our Amazing Anime Quiz. Only 33% of participants had passed it—so it will challenge you.
Remain honest to get accurate results.
No one knows which My Hero Academia character you are, but you. If you avoid being honest during the test, the result will not satisfy you. Remain loyal to your feelings during the test. And do not hesitate to select the option that you believe is “right.”
The MHA Characters Test Works Based on Personality Analysis
To develop this test, we analyzed the personalities of the most popular students and villains. We gathered information about their habits, traits, interests, and opinions. Then, we categorized them into groups to determine their shared characteristics.
So, the questions you face during the test are based on your personality analysis. And that is why QuizExpo’s results are the most precise and reliable ones.
Things You Need to Know About the Results
The quiz on this page is designed for those who wonder, “Which My Hero Academia am I?” However, it gives you more insights than that. See below.
#1: It Exposes Your Dark Side (if You Have One)
It is not guaranteed that you are a hero! Your personality might have some dark sides. So, it is possible for you to be an MHA villain whose intentions are rather controversial. The fun fact is that the anime show’s bad guys are sometimes more charming than the good ones. Take Tago as an example. She is now one of the most beloved main antagonists of the series.
#2: It Shows If You Are a Potential Pro Hero
You already know that it takes a lot to become a Pro Hero. So, being a U.A. High School student is not enough for your heroic future. However, the Which My Hero Academia Are You Quiz shows your potential to become a master.
#3: You Get Some Personality Analysis as Well
Each MHA character has a backstory that forms who they are now. We have analyzed them all so that the test exposes you and your anime soulmate’s typical characteristics. Are you a moody hero? Are you passive-aggressive? Is your personality more like a villain? These are all types of questions that the test answers.
#4: It Indicates How Powerful You Are
Real fans know that every hero on the show has a power card that shows their abilities. So, you will receive your power card by the end of the test. It is a summary of who you are and what your potentials are.
Does the test include My Hero Academia Villains?
Yes, it does. MHA quiz can expose those who do not fit in the U.A. High School standards because of their anti-heroic traits. So, you might end up being matched with a villain.
Is it a trivia or personality quiz?
It is a personality test that tells you which My Hero Academia Character you are regarding your traits.
How do I share the results with others?
On the result page, you will receive a share button. Pressing that button allows you to share the results with others through social media, email, or links.
Other Ways to Find Out Which My Hero Academia Character You Are
Taking a Which My Hero Academia Character Am I quiz is not the only way to find your soulmate. There are other organic methods that you can employ and get accurate results. The following list shows three ways to do so.
Read the backstory of the characters.
Go to the MHA fandom website and read your favorite character’s backstories. See which is the most relatable. We usually relate to characters that are similar to us or have something in common. So, if you like a hero or villain’s backstory, it is likely that they are your anime soulmate.
Analyze MHA characters’ personalities.
Most fandom websites have a personality section for protagonists and antagonists of the show. Reading and analyzing them can reveal which My Hero Academia character you are. If you have so many similar features/traits to a hero and anti-hero, then you have already found your anime personality.
Explore your Quirks!
MHA protagonists and antagonists have their special superpowers. However, these abilities are linked with their personalities. For instance, Todoroki has both fire and ice powers. That is exactly how his character is: cold and warm at the same time. So, think about your possible Quirk in the MHA universe. What would be? Answering this question can reveal which My Hero Academia character you are.