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What’s your budget for the MBA degree?
  • a

    $70,000 or more

  • b


  • c


  • d

    $40,000 or less


Question 1: What’s your budget for the MBA degree?

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The MBA test on this page will help you figure out which MBA program suits your needs, goals, and budget. Take this quiz to choose the best specialization.

Which MBA Is Right for You

Generally, the best MBA for you is the one that fits your career goals, is financially feasible, and can be integrated into your schedule. You should choose a Master of Business Administration field that prepares you for your future job without hindering your current educational or professional path.

Tip: If you’re confused about your academic path, try our other quiz called “What Should I Major In?”

How to Choose the Right MBA Program

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for choosing your MBA specialization. However, you can ensure your degree is future-proof by considering four factors: Career, tuition, time, and rankings.

Identify Career Goals

To make the most of your academic knowledge, choose an MBA that matches your dream job. For instance, if you’re planning on becoming a marketer, a foolproof choice is a marketing MBA. Think in terms of skills you’ll learn by opting into the program rather than the school’s short-term benefits.

Determine a Budget

According to Forbes, the average cost of an MBA degree in the US is $61,800. So, estimate your financial capabilities in advance and avoid options that would lead to more student loans.

Pick an MBA Format

MBA programs have part-time, full-time, and remote formats. Go with the one that aligns with your current schedule and does not hinder your parallel plans.

Compare University Rankings

Use valid resources such as US New & World Reports to compare university rankings. This will help you roll into a prestigious concentration with a proven curriculum.

The Most Common MBA Specializations in the US

As Best Colleges states, the most popular MBA specializations in the United States are finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and international business. However, school-wise, the top programs are Harvard Business School, The MIT Sloan School of Management, and The Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

How Good Is an MBA for the Future

An MBA is only suitable for your future if you’re looking to establish a related career. However, if you don’t have specific career plans, an MBA may not provide the same advantages, and the high cost of tuition could even pose financial difficulties.

Find Your MBA Concentration Based on Your GPA—and MBTI!

While GPA is a crucial factor in gaining MBA admittance, MBTI—a whole other story—can also help pick a perfect program. With the MBA test on this page, you get suggested a list of risk-free concentrations based on your educational background and your personality.

Also, here’s a fun fact for all of you quiz lovers out there: We have a test called “What Type of Doctor Should I Be?” just in case you’re into becoming a medic.

Now, let’s uncover the right MBA for you! 📚🤓