Which Hogwarts Subject Should You Specialize In?

Wondering which Hogwarts subject you should specialize in? This Harry Potter-inspired witchcraft and wizardry quiz reveals the best classes for you in no time.

Which Hogwarts Subject Should You Specialize In

Imagine it’s your final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, and you are preparing for the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test. The results will determine your career and will help you decide what to specialize in. But wait; you can make up your mind before the exam pressure: You just need the Hogwarts Subject Specialization Test!

What Is the Hogwarts Academic Specialization Test?

The Hogwarts Academic Specialization Test reveals what subject you should focus on as a witchcraft and wizardry student. The quiz’s premise is similar to that of the Harry Potter House Test, which would identify whether you are a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.

Potterheads know that over 20 subjects were taught at Hogwarts. But we’ve cherry-picked the ones that average people—or should we say, Muggles—are likely to excel at to create an accurate assessment.

See the table below if you’re wondering what school subjects were available at Hogwarts.

Core Curriculum Elective Classes
Astronomy Arithmancy
Charm Care of Magical Creatures
Defense Against the Dark Arts Divination
Herbology Muggle Studies
History of Magic Flying
Potions Art (extra)
Transfiguration Field Studies (extra)
Alchemy (sixth and seventh year) Ghoul Studies (extra)
Apparition (sixth and seventh year) Magical Theory (extra)
Muggle Art/Muggle Music (extra)
Music (extra)
Xylomancy (extra)


How to Decide Which Subject to Specialize in at Hogwarts

You need more than finding your passion to pick your field of specialization at Hogwarts. Here are some tips:

  • Plan for a career: After the N.E.W.T. exam, you will likely apply for new jobs. Choose the Hogwarts subject specialization based on your dream job. For example, Herbology is an excellent idea if you’d like to sell potions to other witches and wizards.
  • Consider the curriculum: Are you a fan of theoretical lessons or hands-on learning experiences? Answer this question before choosing the subject to specialize in. For example, if you’re an adventurous soul who easily gets bored, subjects like Care of Magical Creatures are your jam—and you should avoid things like Astronomy.
  • Get in touch with your wizard or witch persona: Which Harry Potter character do you represent in real life? Get in touch with your HP universe persona and follow in the footsteps of your comfort characters. (There’s no harm in specializing in a field that your Harry Potter crush has pursued.)

Subject Suggestions for Prospective Hogwarts Students

The following table shows which Hogwarts subject you should specialize in based on your personality.

Subject Personality Type
Astronomy Analytical, strategic, and imaginative.
Charms Enthusiastic, creative, and sociable.
Defense Against the Dark Arts Bold, practical, and action-oriented.
Herbology Practical, reliable, and nurturing.
History of Magic Logical, curious, and introspective.
Potions Methodical, detail-oriented, and disciplined.
Transfiguration Insightful, visionary, and meticulous.


Here’s a Genuine Test for Settling on Your Hogwarts Academic Specialization

Our test might not be as accurate as the Ordinary Wizarding Exam (O.W.L.), but the Hogwarts Academic Specialization Test that we’ve developed has the sorting-hat level of sixth sense: It knows what you should be. It just does.

If you want to discover which Harry Potter subject you should pursue, hit the start button. You’ll be quickly matched with the best class to specialize in.

For more quizzes like this, try our “Harry Potter Wand Test” next. (See on the other side!)



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