6 of 20
As the leader of the Care Bears, Tenderheart wants to send you on a mission on earth. What kind of place do you want him to
  • a

    A romantic and movie scene-like place.

  • b

    A place with lots of friendly people.

  • c

    An extraordinary and magical place.

  • d

    A place where people truly need my help.

  • e

    Somewhere like an amusement park.

  • f

    A calm and relaxing place.

  • g

    Nowhere. I don't like missions.


Question 6: As the leader of the Care Bears, Tenderheart wants to send you on a mission on earth. What kind of place do you want him to send you to?

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Hey, don’t you want to know which Care Bear you are? This kindness and love quiz reveals if you are Cheer Bear, Bedtime Bear, Funshine Bear, or else in no time.

Discover Your Care Bear with a Lovely Quiz

The quiz’s premise is to answer questions like, “Which Care Bear am I?” It is inspired by animated movies and TV series of the Care Bear franchise and uses your MBTI type to suggest a perfect match.

Like the Sanrio Character Quiz, your decisions, habits, intentions, and appearance affect the test results. But there will be no right or wrong answers—and you have to select the options you relate to.

Who is your Care-a-Lot soulmate?

With its 39 fluffy creatures, the Care Bear franchise has introduced many colorful personalities. And our test is the only accurate tool to compare your persona to that of the bears.

We have a database of all the characters’ detailed profiles and will create yours. So, your responses allow us to match your characteristics up to the show’s beloved personalities, discovering the most similar one(s).

Where is your homeland in the Kingdom of Caring?

We can locate your hometown in the Kingdom of Caring based on your personality, where every other Care Bear lives. It might sound like a dismissible detail. But your birthplace actually affects the type of person—or bear—you are.

  • Forest of Feelings: The place where most Care Bear Cousins live.
  • Silver Lining: Bad Crowd’s homeland.
  • Joke-a-Lot: Home to creatures who, well, joke a lot.

How much do you care?

You might want to know which Care Bear you are as quickly as possible. But we have more to offer. The quiz can identify how caring and giving you are in real life and in Care-a-Lot.

It’s good to know if you are a good person, especially if you’re self-questioning, like, “Am I a bad person?”

What is your unique ability?

The Care Bears’ Belly Badge allows them to do awesome stuff like altering one’s dreams or mood. But what about you? The quiz analyzes your responses to determine what kind of unique ability you’d have if you lived in the Kingdom of Caring.

What is your personality type?

The Care Bear quiz comes with a free personality breakdown. So, not only will you discover which bear you are, but you’ll also learn why. It might not be the most accurate way to discover the type of person you are, but it works.

The First-Ever MBTI Care Bear Quiz

No other test uses your actual persona to find your Care Bear match. So, we created the world’s first MBTI-based questionnaire to generate reliable comparisons.

Other online alternatives rely on your likes and dislikes for the results. But we don’t do that here. Instead, we determine your personality type in advance and suggest characters with the same traits and values.

Care Bear MBTI Star Sign
Cheer ENFP Leo
Share ESFJ Virgo
Funshine ESFP Sagittarius
Love-a-Lot ESFJ Aquarius
Bedtime INTP Cancer


Here’s how to find your Care Bear character based on your Myer-Briggs Type Indicators.

#1. Cheer Bear.

As the name suggests, Cheer Bear is a joyful character who brings the best in others. Her primary purpose is to make everyone happy and help them enjoy their lives. As an ENFP, her personality can be described as extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting.

#2. Share Bear

Personality-wise, Share Bear is selfless and helpful. She is willing to share anything with others because sharing is indeed caring in her world. As an ESFJ, Share Bear is also outgoing, loyal, organized, and tender-hearted.

#3. Funshine Bear

He is athletic, energetic, and fun-loving. Funshine’s personality can be described as extraverted, observant, feeling, and prospecting. He loves exciting experiences and is always eager to discover new ways of enjoying life, making him a total ESFP.

#4. Bedtime Bear

As an INTP, Bedtime Bear is quiet and analytical. He enjoys his own company—and, of course, spends most of his time sleeping.

But anyone would relate to Bedtime Bed when asked, “Which Care Bear are you?” on a Monday morning.

Other Care Bears and Cousins.

The franchise has 39 characters. So, you might not be able to find your perfect match on your own. That’s why we recommend taking the personality quiz. It includes all the main bears and cousins, too. Plus, it’s unbelievably fast.

You Might Match a Bad Crow Member!

The cool thing about the Care Bear Character Quiz is that it covers antagonists and the protagonists. So, you might match Bluster or any of his crew members.

It adds a fun twist to the results and diversifies the possibilities because, hey, not everyone is a lovely, cute Care Bear.

Meet Your Caring Self in No Time

Okay, you are ready to travel to the Kingdom of Caring and see what your bear-self looks like.

We have twenty fun questions for you that are actually deep and meaningful. Just pick the options that make the most sense to you and wait for us to reveal your Care-a-Lot counterpart in no time.



QuizExpo does not own any of the Care Bear Character Quiz images. Cloudco Entertainment (formerly American Greetings Entertainment) owns the said pictures, and no copyright infringement is intended.