1 of 10
Which one’s a better description of your online persona?
  • a

    Chats Controversial

  • b


  • c


  • d

    Inactive (Observer)


Question 1: Which one’s a better description of your online persona?

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Let us cancel you with an experimental fun quiz! What would you get canceled for?

Since the early 2010s, cancel culture has played a significant part in online disputes. But what we want to reveal on this page is what may actually lead to your cancellation!

Have you ever wanted to know what unpopular opinion or non-confirming act could get you canceled? Well, you will find the answer here with our first Cancel Culture Quiz.

According to the Pew Research Center, 45% of Americans think criticizing others online might result in unfair treatment and poor judgment. At the same time, 51% of Americans hold some form of belief in the cancel culture, which holds that the best way to prevent online harassment and bullying is to expose the wrongdoers.

The issue with cancel culture is that it can give online anonymous sources unchecked power. A movement against free speech may result from radicalization brought on by this influence.

Cancel culture is a relatively new phenomenon, but it has already backfired several times when it was used against innocent people by online trolls. Currently, a group of people use canceling others as a tactic to exclude other groups who don’t share their values or ideals. And that is not fair.

According to some analysts, the politicized cancelation strategy is ending as people realize it isn’t working. However, it remains to be seen whether the internet will continue to penalize users for posting controversial content or prioritize freedom of speech.

But hold on, will your beliefs or actions ever lead to your cancellation? If so, what do you believe to be the main cause? Would your political beliefs, use of foul language, or preference for illegal memes bring about your cancellation? Find out why the internet might have turned against you at any time by taking this Cancel Culture Quiz!