1 of 20
How much free time will you dedicate to your volunteer work?
  • a

    An hour a day (or less than that)

  • b

    Two hours a day sounds good

  • c

    I could treat it as my part-time job

  • d

    I’m ready to dedicate most of my time to it


Question 1: How much free time will you dedicate to your volunteer work?

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Can’t find practical volunteer work? This quiz suggests what kind of volunteer work you should do based on your passion and skill.

How to Find the Perfect Volunteer Opportunity

To find a fitting volunteer work, consider five important aspects: your passion, occupation, skill, time, and the cause that you wish to contribute to.

  • Passion. The best volunteer work for you is the one that you’re passionate about.
  • Occupation. Choose your social contribution in accordance with your job. If, for example, you’re a high school student, go with part-time activities that wouldn’t interfere with your school.
  • Cause. Contributing to the community with a goal in mind is the perfect way of giving back. To find your perfect volunteer work, determine the cause in advance.
  • Skills. Create a list of things you can do for charities in advance and choose your volunteering organization accordingly.
  • Time. Dedicate a decided amount of time to your charity work and choose tasks that fit your schedule.

What Are the Top Volunteering Causes in the US

According to the Team Stage stats, the top five volunteer works in the US are hunger and homelessness, health and wellness, faith and spirituality, animal and wildfires, and children and youth.

Volunteer Work Popularity
Hunger and Homelessness 15%
Health and Wellness 13%
Faith and Spirituality 12%
Animals and Wildfires 10%
Children and Youth 9%
Environmental and Conservation 7%
Human and social services 7%


The 4 Types of Volunteer Work

While community services encompass a wide range of activities, they can be divided into four main categories: Direct Service, Advocacy and Outreach, Environmental and Conservation, Remote or Virtual. By familiarizing yourself with each type, you increase your chances of discovering volunteer work that aligns with your preferences and abilities.

Direct Service

Charity works that involve direct communication with people in need are called “direct services.” Examples of direct service charity include assisting at a local food bank, working at a homeless shelter, and even tutoring local students for free.

Advocacy and Outreach

Any community service involving raising awareness, promoting social change, and addressing systemic issues falls into the advocacy and outreach category. Examples of this type of volunteer work include advocating for the rights of marginalized communities, working as a hotline operator for a crisis center, and becoming a community organizer.

Environmental and Conservation

Preserving, protecting, and restoring the natural environment, along with animal protection activities, are considered environmental and conservation charity work. Examples of this volunteer work include beach or park clean-up events, working at wildlife rehabilitation centers, and planting trees.

Remote or Virtual

Any online volunteerism is considered remote or virtual charity. Examples of this include remote tutoring, online marketing or social media management for charities, and transcribing audio recordings for disabled people.

Benefits of Volunteerism

The following are the prominent advantages of humanitarian activities:

  • Creating positive social impact. The most beneficial aspect of volunteer work is improving living standards for the entire community.
  • Networking and making friends. Charity activities also help you meet new people and make like-minded friends.
  • Improving personal resume. Having a list of nonprofit activities on your CV will put you ahead of most other employees.
  • Free travel. Lots of nonprofit organizations cover your expenses when traveling for a good cause, which is an excellent perk for philanthropist adventurers.

Discover Your Next Volunteer Work with a Test

For those overthinking, “What kind of volunteer work should I do?” this volunteering quiz identifies the best-fitting community service for you based on your expectations, skills, time, and budget. Discover the best nonprofit activity you can start today and get expert pieces of advice along the way. All there’s to do is press the start button!