There are what I call “smellers”—people who claim they can’t read ebooks because they literally have bibliomania. Then there are the “non-readers” who somehow bypass reading while still consuming the book’s content. And, of course, there are re-readers who go through the same books over and over. What I’m saying is that there are different types of readers.
But which one are you? I’ve created a personality test to help you find out! I’ve identified over 20 types of readers based on habits, likes, and dislikes, and I’m ready to match your personality with one of the most common ones.
You could be any of the following (but the test results aren’t limited to these):
- Bibliomaniac: You must read physical books because there’s something magical about the scent of paper that no one else seems to understand.
- Peaked in High School: When asked how many books you’ve read, you can rattle off an impressive number—but you read most of them as a teen. Your reading prime was back in high school, and, well, that’s that.
- The Academic Reader: Fiction isn’t your thing. You’re all about non-fiction because you need to “learn.” You also have a meticulous note-taking system that involves highlighting and jotting down every little fact or quote.
- Non-Reader: If there’s a movie adaptation or an audiobook, you’ll gladly skip the reading part. You’re the non-reader reader, always finding a way to avoid actually reading the book.
- Oversharer: When you’re reading, everyone knows it. You’re posting about it, talking about it, and reminding everyone that you are, indeed, reading a book.
But hey, these are just a few common types. Bookworms like myself know many more out there we haven’t touched on. If you want to know precisely which type of reader you are, take the Book Reader Type Quiz. It’ll reveal your reader persona in minutes—with surprisingly fun accuracy.
And since you’re probably a book lover, check out our other viral quiz, Which Famous Book Character Are You? It’ll reveal your fictional counterpart in some of the most iconic works of literature.