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What makes an artist great?
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Question 7: What makes an artist great?

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This quiz will guess what kind of painting you like. It is an art personality quiz that reveals your favorite artwork style accurately.

The Type of Painting That You Like

Art is a subjective medium of creation. The artist injects their individual views into their art. Likewise, choosing your favorite artwork is a subjective process. You decide if you like a painting based on your thoughts and emotions.

But things are not straightforward for all art enthusiasts. For some, picking their favorite painting is as challenging as picking their all-time favorite movie. There are so many options to choose from.

An alternative for picking your favorite art is letting your MBTI choose it for you.

If you already know your personality type, use the following table to find out what artwork style you might like.

Personality Favorite Painting
INTJ Art Nouveau
INTP Futurism
ENTJ Dadaism
ENTP Surrealism
INFJ Baroque
INFP Neoclassicism
ENFJ Pop Art
ENFP Impressionism
ISTJ Realism
ISFJ Fauvism
ESTJ Cubism
ESFJ Photorealism
ISTP Constructivism
ISFP Abstract Expressionism
ESTP Romanticism
ESFP Expressionism


How to Know What Kind of Painting You Like

It’s normal to be confused about the type of art you enjoy the most. Unlike your favorite color, your preferred art style doesn’t come to you instinctively. You may need time to explore various styles and mediums to make up your mind.

If you’re in a hurry, though, choose the kind of painting you like with these three strategies.

1.     Choose Art Based on Style.

Learn more about art styles and techniques. Familiarize yourself with the most iconic movements and get to know the influential artists.

If you don’t know where to start, try overviewing Realism, Impressionism, and Surrealism.

2.    Pick the Paintings that Suit Your Interior Design.

Your interior design can determine the kind of painting you like.

Many home décor styles are inspired by art movements that carry the same elements. So, look around and see what designs you already prefer.

If your interior design is modern, a modern or post-modern painting is an excellent choice. If it’s minimalist, then a minimalist painting is the perfect fit. And if it’s traditional, a religious or history painting is your best bet.

To match the art you like with your interior design, take our other quiz, “What Color Should I Paint My Room?”

3.    Go with the Popular Paintings.

Currently, the most popular paintings are realism art, photorealism art, painterly art style, impressionism painting, abstract art, surrealism art, and pop art.

If you don’t know what painting your favorite is, choose one of these popular ones.

Take the Art Personality Test to Discover Your Favorite Painting

Still wondering what kind of painting you like? The following art-inspired questions determine your preferred style and recommend artists that you should check out. All based on your personality.

Not only does the quiz figure out your preferred artwork, but it also helps you make art that sells—if, of course, you’re an artist.


QuizExpo does not own some of the images used in the Favorite Painting Quiz and intends no copyright infringement.