19 of 20
What type of student are you?
  • a

    Average; I'm more focused on inner growth

  • b

    Hardworking but not the top

  • c

    I wasn't a very attentive student

  • d

    Above average

  • e

    Just passing by

  • f

    I was (or still am) an excellent student


Question 19: What type of student are you?

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Let’s be honest. What kind of guy are you? Take this manliness quiz to classify your masculinity and see what type of guy you are.

What Kind of Guy Are You?

You know how everyone’s different in their own way? Well, there are some things that we all have in common that bring us together. Your level of manliness, for example, can determine what group of guys you belong in and why.

One common typology for guys is what we call the nice guy, bad boy, husband material scheme. This profiling method divides men into three groups of datable, undateable, and marriable characters based on their dating personalities.

But recently (and thanks to the internet), some other forms of men-type models have emerged. People are now dividing men into alpha, beta, and sigma groups, labeling them based on their machismo.

But the big question is, what kind of guy are YOU? The manliness quiz on this page reveals your category with brutal honesty.

Guy Type Features
Romantic Poetic, passionate, devoted
Nice Kind, caring, selfless
Bad Boy Rebellious, fearless, independent
Charming Witty, charismatic, fun-loving
Laidback Relaxed, easygoing, chill
Soft Sensitive, empathetic, affectionate


What Are Some Stereotypical Guy Profiles?

Have you heard of the Everyman? What about the average Joe? I’m sure you’ve at least heard about Gigachads. Well, these are all some of the clichés about men. The Everyman is a normie with no special features, the average Joe is the most predictable, boring guy you’ll ever meet, and a Gigachad is the evolved form of the Jock.

Here are more stereotypical types of guys:

The Jock

Known for his love for sports and working out, the Jock is the archetype of gym guys who’re all about showing off their six-packs and big biceps.

The F Boy

Traditionally called a playboy, the F Boy is an emotionally unavailable guy who’s probably addicted to hookups and has a phobia of commitment.

The Nice Guy

The nice guy archetype represents an average boy who’s authentic and genuinely responsible. He doesn’t want to play around with others’ emotions and is looking for a serious relationship and long-term commitment.

The Weirdo

Usually giving off creepy vibes, the weirdo is that one socially awkward guy at every party who goes for uncomfortably long eye contact (without saying a word). He might never look in the mirror and say, “Am I weird?” But he’s certainly aware of his little to no chance of mating.

The One

Legends have that this guy shows up once every 100 years and marries the luckiest person on the planet Earth. The One is the ultimate package of manliness who’s charming, reliable, successful, emotional, wise, and, um, rich AF.

Toxic Ways of Classifying Guys

While it’s fun to know what type of guy you are, it’s important to note that we’re not living in wolf packs. So, diving men into belittling groups like alpha, beta, and omega can be pretty toxic.

Men don’t have to be coldhearted leaders to deserve respect and love. They can be soft, emotional, hurt, or scared, too.

Just know that our quiz does not label you with disrespectful and inconsiderate terms. We’ve tried to create a fun and respectful personality test that exposes your stereotypical traits without hurting your feelings. ✌🏻💕

This Machismo Quiz Exposes the Real Man in You

Do you ask yourself, “What type of guy am I?” Take our 20-question men typology test for accurate results! We know exactly what kind of man you are and would love to share it with you.

Let’s see if you’re a king, soldier, poet, or some other archetype.