A Freaky Quiz That Reveals Your Biggest Fear
It is a set of panic-, worry-, and distress-related questions to unveil your fears and nightmares.
Discovering your biggest dread can be challenging. But taking the quiz on this page lets your mind expose its darkest parts subconsciously. And it makes it a lot easier to understand your anxiety.
We already have a similar quiz called the Safe Trypophobia Test. We did our best to keep this one anxiety-proof for those who have unbearable phobias, too. So, note that the test DOES NOT include any jump scares, graphic imagery, or gross questions.
It is a genuine fear quiz that focuses on your thoughts, worries, and traits.
Find Out What You Are Afraid of the Most.
According to LifeHack.com, “Fear of failure is the most common concern among people.” But taking the quiz can provide you with much more accurate answers. Not everyone is afraid of disappointments. By the end of the questionary, you know what your exact fear or phobia is—and even how to deal with it.
See if Your Fear Is a Phobia or Not.
For some participants, the big question is, “What is my phobia?” So, the test actually uses psychological tricks to determine if your emotions are as intense as phobias or are they just rational thoughts to make you avoid risks.
Discover the Type of Your Fright.
According to VeryWellMind, “Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive human emotion. It involves a universal biochemical response as well as a high individual emotional response.” It may come in different forms, such as social anxiety, depression, and isolation. The Fear Quiz can expose what type of terrors you are dealing with in your mind.
Why Taking a Fear Quiz Is Actually Helpful?
Facing a fear or unpleasant feeling is the best method to deal with it. By doing so the right way, you stop your anxiety from becoming debilitating. And it never turns into a phobia. Taking the quiz helps you take your first step towards exposure to your deepest terrors without overstimulating your emotions.
Note: According to the latest statistics, 10% of adults in the US have phobias interfering with their daily lives.
The Only Quiz That Distinguishes Fear and Phobia!
We are talking about two different questions here, “What is my fear?” and “what is my phobia?” We created the first quiz that acknowledges the difference between these concepts and has curated the results accordingly.
Here are the psychological definitions of the concepts to help you distinguish them as well.
- Fear is a regular emotion that warns about possible danger or threats. It occurs when your body wants to decide on staying (fighting) or leaving (flight).
- Phobia is an irrational emotion about something that is not necessarily deadly or dangerous.
Some Examples of Fear Vs. Phobia
The quiz lets you know how phobic you are. But the following examples show the primary dissimilarity between the two.
Fear of Spiders Vs. Arachnophobia
~300-400 million people all around the globe are afraid of insects—specifically spiders. But a person with Arachnophobia would experience all the phobia symptoms (i.e., sweating, trembling, hot flushes or chills, shortness of breath, etc.) even thinking about spiders. However, someone with a regular fear would probably never overreact to such a tiny insect and only try to avoid it.
Fear of Height Vs. Acrophobia
One with Acrophobia would avoid steep steps, elevators, and in some cases, even traveling with airplanes due to their excessive fear of height. However, one with regular anxiety would never let it overcome their life or interfere with their lifestyle.
Fear of Needles Vs. Trypanophobia
Your biggest fear might be getting a flu shot. But when you may volunteer to receive the third dose of your COVID-19 vaccine booster because you do not want to die. However, one with Trypanophobia would be afraid of injections so much that they would avoid seeing a doctor at any cost. So, they might even refuse to get their COVID shots because of their unbearable anxiety.
The intensity of fear and the extent of its effect on your life determines whether or not it is a phobia. The quiz analyzes your responses and evaluates the scale of your panic to decide which one you have.
How to Uncover Your Biggest Fear (without a Quiz)
Your biggest fear is the concept, thing, situation, or creature that makes you feel nervous and triggers your fight or flight mechanism. Common fears are animals, sudden changes, death, and darkness.
Following the four steps below enables you to detect and deal with your frights properly.
#1: Ask fundamental questions.
You need the answer to these questions: 1) When do I feel nervous the most? 2) What triggers my negative emotions? 3) When do I feel the need to escape a place or situation? 4) When did it all start? 5) When was the last time I felt terrified and why?
#2: Review your fight or flight moments.
Our body makes a crucial decision whenever we face danger, to run or to stay? When things seem to be too frightening, it forces you to flight—or escape, if you will. Those are key moments for you to uncover your deepest and biggest fears. Simply think about a recurring pattern that makes you want to run away and hide. It could be anything, such as an environmental factor, a creature or animal, a person, or just an idea.
#3: Pay more attention to your physical responses.
You need to monitor your body to find the answer to questions like, “What is your biggest fear?” Here are the symptoms you should be looking for (according to the VeryWellMinded): Chest pain, chills, Dry mouth, nausea, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, and trembling.
Things that cause the above sing to show up in your body are your biggest fears.
#4: Keep a fear journal.
Writing down your emotions is always a good idea. It enables you to let them out, observing them from outside—like a third person. Journaling your biggest fears creates the path to uncover your anxieties and prepare yourself to deal with them.
Why Most Other Online Fear Quizzes Are Useless?
The goal of nearly all phobia quizzes is to find an answer to questions like, “What is your biggest fear?” However, their approach is to show you some scary images or put you through some stress-triggering situations to (somehow) identify your frights. But that is both unprofessional and unhealthy.
But the test you take on this page is completely safe and stress-free. We do not want to put you through unpleasing emotions to discover the roots of your distress. That would be an old-fashioned way to do so. Instead, we use a self-report questionary that identifies your phobias and anxieties through psychological questions.
Should You Be Afraid of Your Fears, though?
“Fear” is an essential emotion for humans. It is directly related to your survival instincts, always trying to keep you alive. So, regardless of your frights’ nature, you should not be afraid of them. Contrarily, you need to learn how to deal with them and use them in your favor.
Fun fact, there is actually a thing called Phobophobia which is also known as fear of fears! So, you are better off without overthinking your distressing emotions or they might turn into something bigger and more intense.
The Fear Quiz does not provide you with any clinical diagnosis of psychiatric illnesses.