Human Emotion Quiz Explained
Also known as the “What Human Emotion Am I Test,” the human emotion quiz is a set of 10-20 personality questions that personify your prominent feeling in life. The results range from basic emotions like fear, anger, or happiness to more complex moods like awe, remorse, or optimism.
How to Know Which Feeling You Are?
One way to identify the type of emotion you are is by describing your life in one sentence. Words have feelings. And together, they can expose what sentiment you are. So, summarize what you think about life in one sentence and see if it sounds angry, happy, fearful, surprised, disgusted, or sad?
Emotion | Frequency |
Joy | 35% |
Love | 30% |
Anxiety | 29% |
Satisfaction | 27% |
Alertness | 24% |
Hope | 22% |
Sadness | 20% |
Disgust | 11% |
Anger | 10% |
Gratitude | 9% |
Guilt | 5% |
You may also take an emotional intelligence test for that. But no matter how emotionally intelligent you are, it’s challenging to determine the emotion you are. Think of it this way: What would it be if your life essence were narrowed down to one feeling? What label should be on the jar holding your soul? Joy, regret, rage, disappointment, or else?
Find Out if You’re a Basic or Complex Emotion
There are two types of emotions in you: basic and complex. The basics are universal, easy to explain, and guessable. In contrast, the complex ones are unique, difficult to understand, and unpredictable.
You should consider human complexity when it comes to questions like, “What emotion am I?” You could be beyond a basic feeling like fear, depression, or anxiety. You could be as complex as submission, disapproval, or contempt.
The test helps you figure out the complexity of your emotional persona as well as its intensity. But the general rule is that the more complex your feelings are, the less intense they become.
How to Do the Human Emotion Test
Several quizzes determine your feeling. You could find them by googling “What human emotion am I.” Once you have selected your favorite test, tap the start quiz button, answer the personality questions, and wait for the results.
You could also use an online quiz generator to create your own version of the human emotion test.
Join the TikTok Trend
One of the trending green screen challenges in TikTok in 2022 has been the human emotion quiz. People want to know which feeling they are to share the results with others using hashtags like #humanemotionquiz or #humanfeelingtest.
If you want to join the trend, all you need to do is answer the 20 questions on this page. The quiz will discover the type of emotion you are, offering a TikTok-worthy result.
FYI, the test hashtags have over 9M views on TikTok. And it’s a great opportunity to hop on the trend.
This Quiz Is Based on the Actual Emotion Wheel
The problem with most human emotion quizzes is that they are pretty random. But we have created the first psychologically accurate and fun feeling test based on the emotion wheel.
There are 32 basic and complex sentiments in Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions. So, no matter how messed-up your feelings are, the test will have a relatable result.
The Results Can Make Your Day or Ruin It
Getting joy, happiness, admiration, or appreciation in the results might make your day. But the human emotion quiz is brutally honest. So, heads up for emotional abuse exposition, awkwardness detection, and depression predictions.
The test covers a range of emotions from positive to negative and from bright to dark. So, it might make your day by letting you know how beautiful your emotions are or ruin it by reminding you of the negativity in you.
What’s the Point of a Human Feeling Test?
Although it’s just quirky and fun to know which emotion you are, the human feeling tests could be put to good use. You could use them to check up on your mental health and see if you’re neglecting self-care.
If the test says you’re a complex negative emotion, it’s your sign to prioritize self-care. If it says the opposite, you’re on the right path and should keep up the good work.
Everyone Is Either Sad, Stressed, or Angry. What About You?
A recent survey showed that people have been overly anxious and fearful. 40% are stressed or worried, 27% are sad, and 24% are angry. In other words, 91% of the society is either anxious, depressed, or aggressive.
Can you break the cycle, though? Are you among the 9% who feel grateful, peaceful, and delightful despite the horrible state of the world? Take the quiz to find out the answer.
We Know What Human Emotion You Are
Don’t even try to hide your feelings; we sense them through your choices. The innocent-looking questions on this page expose the dominant emotion in your personality, offering a new point of view to your inner self.
Are you ready to face your human feeling type? If yes, press the start button, and let’s go.