3 of 19
How would you describe your neck and shoulders?
  • a

    Slightly thin neck with small shoulders

  • b

    Thick neck and shoulders

  • c

    Fit or masculine shoulders and long neck

  • d

    Super-thin shoulders and long neck

  • e

    Soft neck and feminine shoulders


Question 3: How would you describe your neck and shoulders?

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It is fun to know what era is your face from! This quiz analyzes the qualities of beauty (color, texture, size, and shape) to reveal what decade you belong in.

Where Did It All Begin?

People have always had questions like, “Am I beautiful or ugly?” But as with most contemporary trends, TikTok users started the whole idea of discovering what era your face is from. The goal was to reveal what decade’s beauty standards you fit in—and it quickly turned into a filter and got its own hashtag: #whateraisyourfacefrom.

Analyze Your Face to See What Era It’s From

The problem with the TikTok filter is that it’s not accurate. In fact, a user created an image of each era and made it available for others to use via the shapeshift filter. So, we decided to create an actual beauty quiz that discovers your actual era based on scientific findings.

We’ve used the Beauty Code by Marquardt Beauty Analysis to ensure the results are reliable. All you need to do is answer 20 questions in self-report format.

The cool thing is that you can share the results with your friends and family to see if they agree or disagree.

Era Beauty Standard
Ancient Egypt Symmetric faces
Ancient Greece Plump
Han Dynasty Small feet
Italian Renaissance Ample Bosom
Victorian England Cinched-waist
The 20s Tomboy
The 80s Super-model look
The 90s Heroin chic


The 4 Qualities of Beauty That the Quiz Considers

Researches look into four aspects of your face before declaring it’s beautiful or not: colors, textures, size, and shape. We use the same criteria to determine what era your face is from. And here’s what you need to know about each.

Color: Brown shades have been a must in most eras’ beauty standards. But we look into the actual hues and shades of your face and hair to decide which decade it matches.

Texture: In most historical periods, people have loved smooth skins. However, your body’s texture can be influential when discovering your beauty era.

Size: The general rule is that your face’s height should be 1/7 or 1/8 of the body. But that has been a changing factor throughout time. We ask simple questions to determine how your face compares to your overall height and body shape to finetune the results.

Form or Shape: According to, “To date, no one has been able to delineate or describe the perfect form of the face.” So, we do not look for signs of a perfect face. We inspect your face’s angles, matching them to a particular era’s standard.

The Changing Standards of Beauty in Each Era

In some specific parts of the world, women preferred to have mustaches. There were no particular standards for women’s beauty in ancient Greece—but men were expected to look like semi-gods. So, humans of each era have defined beauty in a particular and distinct way.

It’s a good idea to get to know some of the beauty standards of the past before asking things like, “What era is my face from?”

Ancient Egypt

It’s the era where symmetrical faces are worshipped. Women are expected to have a high waist and narrow shoulders while thin.

Italian Renaissance

Contrary to ancient Egyptians, Italians of the renaissance era preferred chubby women with a rounded stomach, full hips, ample bosom, and pale skin.

The 1920s

Fast-forward to the twenties; beauty standards leaned towards boyish body types and styles. Beauty for women was described as a flat chest, softened waist, and short hairstyle.

The 1990s

When one asks, “What era is your face from?” it’s risky to say: “the 90s.” They used to call pretty women of this decade the heroin chic. With the rise of drug abuse during this era, beauty was limited to extreme thinness, pale skin, and a waifish look.

Modern-Day Beauty

Some call it post-modern beauty. But women of our era are expected to have healthy skin, flat stomachs, gapped thighs, and large breasts and buttocks. That explains the increasing number of plastic surgeries.

Would You Like to Know What Decade’s Beauty Standard You Fit?

Without the right tools, determining the era of your face is difficult. The majority of questionnaires and TikTok filters are designed for entertainment purposes. However, for the first time, we have created an actual self-report quiz that can match your beauty to the appropriate era of time.

Put an end to the question, “What era is my face from?” with this accurate and fun quiz.

Read Before Participating

“Beauty — What is it? A perfume without a name,” said Arthur D, Ficke. So, to define it is to limit it. The goal of our quiz is not to determine if you look good or bad. It’s only designed to help you discover what era your face is from based on their beauty standards. Please, take the results lightly and don’t overthink your look—because you’re gorgeous the way you are.