1 of 20
What do you think about an emotional relationship?
  • a


  • b

    A monogamous relationship is right for me

  • c

    I have a hard time truly connecting emotionally to others

  • d

    I prefer social relationships to emotional ones


Question 1: What do you think about an emotional relationship?

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Hey, what element are you? This quiz will reveal your inside element through some personality questions. Are you fire, air, earth, or water?

What are the elements?

You may hear or read from various sources about the formation of the whole universe from the four elements of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. This means that all humanity, animals, plants, nature, and everything around us originate from these elements. However, this is just a hypothesis, and ancient Greeks introduced it, so it is a controversial subject among scholars.

What Element Am I?

This is an interesting question that you may have faced many times. One exciting thing about these four elements is their relation to people’s personality traits. The water, air, earth, and fire elements are associated with the zodiac signs representing people’s characteristics. For example, people born under the elements of water have one of these Zodiac signs Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. That’s why water people are gentle, kind, and open-minded people who always have an optimistic influence on their friends’ lives. You may be curious and ask, “What element am I?” There are several ways to find the answer to this question.

4 Elements of Nature

Around 450 BC, ancient Greeks claimed that the entire universe consisted of four elements, including man. These are the four elements of nature, water, fire, earth, and air. Although it is unclear how they came to believe this theory for more than two thousand years, this topic has been the cornerstone of all sciences. Scientists believe the hypothesis that these four elements form the entire universe is false, but they apply it to the four states of matter, which have been confirmed by modern science: Liquid (water), gas (air), solid (earth), and plasma (fire).

Elements Personality Quiz

When it comes to people’s personalities, scientists agree that each element has specific characteristics that differ from person to person and make up all personality traits. It is even related to the seasons, climate, color, and geographical location. What element are you? To answer this question, we briefly explained the four elements and all the personality traits associated with them.


Water people are very emotional and always like to be in an emotional relationship rather than a social one. They are very kind, and what they feel is real. Water people are very sensitive and, therefore, sometimes become reclusive and unable to interact socially. According to psychologists, water people are open-minded but old souls. Thanks to their compassion, they’ve always had an optimistic impact on their peers’ lives, and they’ve always understood them. Winter, cold weather and dark blue are the symbols of this element.


The earth people are perfectionists and therefore have to do all their duties with good and careful planning to achieve the desired result. They like instruction, rules, checklists, and things to be done on their way. They also have a high sense of strength and endurance, so they are persistent in life. Earth people have few friends but always try to help and support their friends. If they fall in love, they never cheat and build a deep emotional relationship. Fall, dry and cold weather, and brown and green colors represent the earth.


Air people have fascinating and lovable personalities. They are talkative and curious, and they always have a huge appetite for new knowledge. Thanks to their entertaining personalities and excellent spoken language, they have many friends, so their social connections are excellent. However, they have little difficulty building an emotional relationship. Air people are fast people, and they want to do everything quickly. The only weakness of these people is that they frequently change their minds, and that’s why they are often confused about what they want in their life. Spring, wet becoming hot weather, and gray or white represent the air.


Fire people are very greedy people and have a great desire to achieve what they want. They have a humorous personalities and can express themselves easily. Maybe that’s why they like busy places like parties. Fire people are energetic and enthusiastic, so their friends are always happy with them. They say whatever comes to their mind or whatever others think. Summer, hot weather and red or orange color represent the fire.

Well, you’re somewhat familiar with these features so far, and you can possibly guess which one you are. Each of these has distinctive features, symbols, and characteristics that affect your personality traits. Scholars believe that to have a balanced personality, it is better to combine all these factors. Often people may be confused by reading these elements and may not correctly recognize which of them they are. So what is the solution? The solution is to play an Element Quiz.’ This quiz has different styles, one of which is the “What element am I quiz.” These are enjoyable quizzes, and you and your friends can play online in your free time and compare the results.

If you love anime, you can find all of these elements in Avatar: The Last Airbender series, then it is suggested to play the What Bender Are You Quiz which leads to the same results.

So what’s the norm for these tests? As you know, these quizzes are personality quizzes, so you need to answer a few questions about your interests, preferences, and personality traits. If you can answer the questions precisely and according to your preferences, the result of the quiz will tell you which of the four elements of nature you are.