1 of 20
What can convince you that you need to give up and stop trying?
  • a

    Nothing can stop me

  • b

    Major failures convince me to do that

  • c

    The smallest failures piss me off, and I give up

  • d

    I never give up and always humiliate those who do


Question 1: What can convince you that you need to give up and stop trying?

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Do you want to know if you have a victim complex? This victim mentality test reveals if you blame others for your life and refuse to accept any responsibilities.

Victim Mentality Test Explained

It’s a psychological questionnaire that looks into 20 symptoms of victim syndrome. The goal is to expose individuals who victimize themselves or their situation.

You’re about to self-report your thoughts, emotions, and experiences to help analyze your mindset. It’s the only reliable online quiz to diagnose one with victim mentality since it’s designed based on the most recent findings on the topic.

Who Needs It?

Anyone who feels like the whole world is against them can benefit from the victim mentality quiz. It’s the best bet for individuals who constantly ask themselves, “Am I being manipulated?” But anyone can benefit from the results and ensure they have the right mindset in their relationships and everyday life.

Victim Mentality Example
In a relationship I’ve never done anything wrong
In career I’m the best but everyone ignores that
In school All the teachers hate me for no reason


Signs That You Have a Victim Mentality

The test examines 20 crucial factors to declare if you’re struggling with the victim complex. However, you can self-assess your way of thinking by looking for the following signs. Having two or more of these red flags is a solid indication of victimizing yourself.

#1. You give up easily and have excuses for it.

The victim mentality leads you to think that you have the right to give up. That’s why sometimes to let go of things before even shooting your shot. If you feel like you give up too soon, maybe you need to review your thoughts.

#2. You lack self-confidence.

One of the key red flags that the victim mentality test looks for is insecurity and lack of confidence. Your big question might be, “Am I victimizing myself?” But you should probably replace it with, “Am I insecure?” Because if you are, it’s more likely for you to blame others for your problems and act like you’re the most hurt person on the planet.

#3. You cannot get rid of negative thoughts.

A person with a victim complex always sees the dark side of things. So, to ensure that you have such a mindset, you need to analyze your opinions and views on life. Does life seem all gloomy and depressing all the time? If yes, you might be victimizing yourself.

#4. You give others control over your life.

It’s challenging for people with victim mentality to acknowledge their responsibilities in life. So, as a coping mechanism, they hand the steering wheel to others and let them drive their personal life. That way, no one can blame them for their poor decision-making—or at least that’s what they think.

#5. You blame the world for everything.

People with the victim mentality often have questions like, “What’s wrong with me?” But in reality, they blame everyone and everything else for their situation. It’s difficult for such a person to see their own role in the problems and the outcomes of their previous decisions. So, instead, they just see the bad in others and point them out to console themselves.

Why It’s Important to Take the Victim Mentality Test

It may sound like victimizing yourself can only hurt your own feelings. However, such a mindset can actually damage people around you as well. So, it’s essential to take the victim mentality test to ensure you’re not turning into a toxic person. Here are some ways you might unintentionally hurt your loved ones’ emotions.

You might be manipulating others unknowingly.

Humans have a soft spot for the weak. By victimizing yourself, you’re trying to evoke their empathy and use it to achieve your goals. It may sound malicious, but it’s true. The victim complex is a softer way of manipulation through which you don’t directly ask for things—but force people to feel sorry for you and help you out.

Victimization doesn’t leave any room for self-reflect.

In your mind, you’re never the one to blame for anything. So, you won’t spend time self-reflecting and spotting your own problems and mistakes. It can be frustrating for people who’re in a relationship with you. That’s because you force them to remind you of your role and responsibility in different situations.

It can turn you into an unempathetic person.

Another perk of taking the victim mentality test is that it prevents you from becoming toxic. Your mind wants to trick you into believing that everyone should pity you. So, you always expect others to be empathetic towards you while ignoring their emotions.

Why Would Someone Want to Be a Victim?

A well-known clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, says, “If you have the victim mentality, everyone owes you something, and you don’t have any responsibilities.” That’s why many people have it without choosing it consciously. Our brain tends to pick comfortable and familiar things over anything else. And victimization is a pretty common feeling for those who’ve had a traumatic past. Therefore, it becomes their mindset.

Here’s What to Do If the Victim Mentality Test Result was Positive

If the test determined that you live with such a complex, the next big question is, “What’s the best strategy for overcoming victim mentality?” Dr. Tracey Marks, a psychiatrist in Atlanta with over 20 years of experience, suggests five steps.

Set yourself small achievable goals to increase your confidence.

An individual with a victim mentality finds it hard to see the bright side of everyday life. So, as Dr. Marks suggests, it’s a good idea to set yourself small objectives to boost your confidence before aiming for the bigger ones. Such an approach can help you overcome victimization in your mind and see your capabilities.

Start giving instead of focusing on receiving.

If the victim mentality test was positive, you’re probably a perpetual receiver. It means that you constantly expect others to do things for you—without any plans on giving back. So, to overcome such a mindset, you need to start doing people favors before even asking them to do something in return.

Create a gratitude list.

Dr. Marks also offers people with victim syndrome to create a list of things that they are grateful for. It’s because their brain is wired to point out things they don’t have—rather than seeing what they already achieved. Writing down and creating a gratitude list can help you break the circle and remind yourself of the bright side of your life.

Forgive yourself for who you are and restart.

Self-punishment never heals your victimization problem. So, instead, you should try forgiving yourself for who you are and let yourself have a second chance. It’s also an excellent idea to talk to a therapist about it—especially if you’ve been emotionally abused in your past. Sometimes, forgiving the actual abuser in your life can help you get rid of the victim mentality.

Own your decisions and stop blaming others.

A big part of having a victim complex is blaming others for your lack of fortune. If you want to break out of that, you need to start owning your decisions. When something goes wrong, reflect on things you can fix instead of finding someone to blame. Have the courage to say it’s my fault when it is.


The victim mentality test is not designed to diagnose you with a mental disorder. It’s a self-report questionnaire to help you assess your mindset. Victimization is not a clinical condition, and no one can diagnose you with it—except for a psychologist or psychiatrist.