Is There a Way to Measure Love? Kind of.
It seems impossible to associate abstract emotions like love with measurable numbers. However, a love tester quiz can analyze the crucial segments of affection (respect, intimacy, passion, and commitment) to see how significant or dismissible your feelings are towards a person.
During the initial stages of romantic relationships, you might ask questions like, “Am I in love?” But as things progress, you may want to know how deep, reliable, and true your emotions are. You’d probably want to know what the other person feels as well.
The love test questions for couples on this page allow you to evaluate your affection level. The goal is to help you find out if it’s love or lust.
What Does the Love Tester Quiz Do?
Basically, a love tester quiz is a self-report questionnaire designed to assess emotions in your romantic relationship(s). It uses compatibility tests and psychological questions to determine how much you love a particular person.
People have different love languages, and they show affection in unique ways. So, it’s understandable when someone wants to discover how reliable their emotions are. The quiz allows you to report what’s going on in your relationship and receive an accurate analysis based on that.
Unlike a couples quiz, we don’t necessarily want to expose how well you know your partner. Instead, we explore the primary signs of true affection to come up with actual results. See below.
Signs that the Love Tester Looks for
According to Hofstra.edu, “Psychologist Robert Sternberg’s theory describes types of love based on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment.” These concepts, along with respect, are considered the fundamentals of true, long-term love. Here’s how the love tester quiz examines each.
Respect is crucial in any sort of relationship—not just romantic ones. During the test, you answer questions about your traits, thoughts, and experiences that reveal how much you admire and value your partner. The lower the respect level is, the lesser you love that person.
Intimacy is not limited to sexual acts of yours. Yes, physical intimacy is a crucial part of love in most relationships. But it’s not the whole thing. Emotional, ideological, and spiritual intimacies are equally important. So, the love tester quiz presents questions that show how intimate you are as a couple.
Passion forms the fuel you need to keep your love life moving. Without it, your love would become empty and be nothing more than a commitment. By taking the love tester quiz, you can see how passionate you are about your romantic relationship and how it’s affecting your emotions.
Commitment is the key difference between love and lust. If you’re not committed to your lover, then it’s just recreational love. The test aims to discover how dedicated you are to evaluate the level of affection in your relationship.
What Are the Love Tester Results Like?
The results help you understand how deep or unreliable your love life is. Here are some examples of things that might pop up in your results.
Dead Love
When you take the love tester quiz, and there’s no sign of respect, intimacy, commitment, or passion in your relationship, you come across this result. As the title suggests, it means that your affection has been dead. And you’re not happy in your relationship.
Empty Love
This one is one of the disappointing results in the love tester quiz. It indicates that you’re not passionate about your relationship anymore, but you’re still committed to your partner. Those who see this result often have other questions like, “Should I break up with him or her?” But they often find it challenging to separate their ways because of the promises and obligations.
Recreational Love
Being in a beneficial relationship is fine if both parties are okay with it. Sometimes, you may want to know how powerful your emotions are for a person you’re not committed to. It’s often called recreational love because you only choose to experience the fun parts and exclude challenging things like dedication.
The love tester quiz can identify if your feelings are recreational. We inspect the signs to see if you’re serious about the relationship or you prefer to enjoy it as long as possible.
Passionate True Love
If you come up with this result in the love tester quiz, you no longer need to ask, “Will I ever find love?” That’s because you already have it. Only couples who have acceptable respect, commitment, passion, and intimacy manage to get this result.
What if the Love Tester Said Your Love is Dead?
Don’t panic. Affection comes and goes. It’s you who needs to protect and help it grow. If the test says your love is dismissible, don’t give up. Try to talk to your partner about it and find ways to reignite the flame between the two of you.
Here are some tips:
- Have date nights no matter how long you’ve been in a relationship.
- Talk about things you’d like to experience with your partner, both sexual and non-sexual.
- Go on a trip or camp for a couple of days.
- See a couples therapist and discuss your problems.
Disclaimer: Read Before Taking the Love Tester Quiz
It’s just an entertaining self-report questionnaire for you and your partner. It’s wise not to count on the results for making important decisions about your relationship. Ensure you discuss the results with your lover and let them know what you think about it.
You should know that love is an emotion; hence unstable. So, if you’re going through a tough time in your relationship, don’t expect your results to be significantly different.