The Most Challenging State Capitals IQ Quiz!
Memorizing all the capital names is fun. But can it prove that you are a geography beast? We don’t think so. Taking the challenging states and capitals quiz on this page is probably the only way to prove your high topography IQ. We got 20 challenging questions about all the 50 states.
By the end of the test, you will receive an Intelligence Quotient score on a scale of zero to twenty. See below to find out what your result means.
Testing Your State Capitals Memory
The first five entries in the quiz analyze how blurred or vivid your recollection skills are. During this stage, all you have to do is guess the US states’ capital correctly. But do not fall for its simple-looking description. We tried to make this part as difficult as possible—in a sadistic way.
State Capitals Spell Bee
The second stage of the State Capitals Quiz is a virtual spelling bee contest. You need to guess the right form of each city’s name to get points. However, we want you to know that some cities have way too cumbersome titles. So, getting the perfect 5/5 score is not going to be an easy-peasy task.
Find the Rhyming Names!
Most other online State Capitals Quizzes only ask you about the names of the cities. However, things are quite different here. During the third stage of the test, you need to find the rhyming city names. Yes, it is a geography-related questionary. But we want to analyze your degree of intelligence, too.
Assess Your IQ
The final stage of the test is where nearly 80% of the participants fail! That is because the questions on this level are impossible to answer. We used some facts and statistics about the capital cities in the US to create this part. And that is why less than 10% of people manage to pass it.
What Does Your State Capitals Quiz Score Mean?
Each correct answer on the test equals one point. So, the perfect score is twenty. However, your correct responses reveal how high or low your IQ is when it comes to the US map. Here is what you need to know about the results.
0-5 Points: Disappointing
The first five questions on the State Capitals Quiz are pretty simple. So, any score below 5 is not up to scratch. If you are not happy with the results, you can take the test again. But this time, make sure to pay attention to the details. Geography IQ is not all about memorizing the names of places.
6-10 Points: Not Bad.
You answered 40-50% of the questions correctly. That is an acceptable achievement. However, the State Capitals Quiz’s expectations are higher. Most participants end up scoring as high as you. But that does not mean anything special. (Sorry). The first and second stages of the test include questions like, “What is the capital city of New Jersey?” or “How do you spell Michigan’s capital city name?” So, if you could not answer them correctly, you need to retake the questionary—or get a US states map.
11-15 Points: You Are a Knowledgeable Person
It seems like you know lots of things about the states and their capitals. And that is something to be proud of. Your IQ is above the average when it comes to geography and maps. So, you can show off and brag about your scores on the test. But keep in mind that you are still one step behind the geniuses who scored more than 16 points, the next group.
16-20 Points: You Are a Mastermind
You nailed the State Capitals Quiz. Something only less than 15% of the participants can achieve. So, you just earned a virtual badge of the most knowledgeable person—regarding the US map. You should let others know that you got such a high score on one of the most challenging quizzes on the internet.
3 Reasons Why You Need to Take the US States Quiz
Your geographical talent needs to be unleashed. And our questionary is designed to help you with that. In general, we think there are three main reasons why you have to participate in this US map IQ test. (See below).
#1: Other Tests Are Boringly Easy
You can find many fun US States Quizzes online. However, all they do is ask boring questions about what is where and all that. But things are quite exciting on this page! Our test consists of four stages which gradually get more challenging. Plus, you encounter four different sets of questions, each focusing on a specific memory skill.
#2: New Approach to Learning State Capitals Names
Using rhymes and wordplays are some of the best ways of memorizing information. The State Capitals Quiz allows you to use such techniques to learn and remember the names effectively. The questions include additional info about each city. So, it is also a kid-friendly educational test.
#3: Prove a Point!
Do people doubt your knowledge about the states? Do you want them to regret their emotions? Well, taking the State Capitals Quiz is the most excellent way to do so. Your high scores are enough to keep your haters’ mouths shut. You can also challenge them to take the quiz to compare the points and see who the real boss is.