This Quiz Reveals if You Should Ask Her on a Date.
The test exposes if your crush likes you and if you should date her. It analyzes 20 factors that could determine whether you should ask her out.
Suggested quiz: How to tell if a girl likes you?
Signs You Should Ask Her Out.
If she puts effort into hanging out with you, asks questions about your relationship status, and compliments you more than others, you should ask her out.
Her moves | What to do |
She spends a lot of time with you. | Ask her out. |
She’s just being nice. | Don’t ask her out. |
You often catch her staring at you. | Ask her out. |
She’s not into hanging out with you. | Don’t ask her out. |
She touches you/ looks at you when laughing | Ask her out. |
She has a boyfriend or girlfriend. | Don’t ask her out. |
She flirts back and enjoys teasing you. | Ask her out. |
What if you’re only texting?
Here are signs she wants you to ask her out over text:
- She never leaves you on read.
- She responds with detailed messages.
- She is quick to reply.
- She’s down to deep conversations over text.
Is There a Right Time to Ask a Girl Out?
No. There is no right time to ask a girl out on a date. You should do it whenever you feel like it’s the right moment. But if she’s single and seems to be into you, don’t think twice.
When Is the Worst Time to Aske a Girl Out?
Don’t ask her out if she is going through a breakup, is currently dating someone, or has repeatedly refused to hang out or go on a date with you.
3 Reasons You Hesitate to Ask Your Crush Out.
You like her so much. She’s been flirting back. And you both are single. But why you can’t ask her on a date? You are either afraid of rejection, ruining the current friendship, or being teased by others.
#1. Rejection scares you.
Fear of rejection is the #1 reason why many don’t ask their crushes out. But it shouldn’t be about her acceptance; it should be about your courage and confidence.
Don’t let fear hold you back. Step up and ask her out regardless.
#2. You don’t want to ruin the friendship.
Sometimes, your current relationship with your crush gives you second thoughts, which friend-zones you automatically.
If you don’t want to remain casual friends with your love interest, risk the friendship. Ask her out on a date.
#3. You’re worried about others’ opinions.
What if everyone finds out about your crush on her? What if she rejected you and others teased you for that? These questions put doubt in your heart.
But don’t forget the premise of asking her out: You’re doing it for yourself.
Leave your comfort zone and let her know how you feel.
Don’t Overthink “Should I Ask Her Out?” Do This Instead.
Take the quiz. See if there are enough signs to ask her out.
If the results were positive, plan your move and open up to her. Be honest and confident in saying, “will you go on a date with me?” And don’t overthink her response because you’ll feel better about yourself regardless.
You can also ask her to take a compatibility test with you. The results could ignite a conversation about whether you two should date.