A Winx Saga Quiz to Reveal Your Fairy Self
It is casual to ask a fan, “Which Winx Clube character are you?” That is because the show has some of the most loveable and relatable girls ever. But picking the right fairy who has a similar personality to yours is challenging. And that is where the Winx Character Quiz comes into play.
By answering all the questions on this test, you find out which of the 7 main characters, including Bloom, Aisha, Flora, Stella, Musa, Tecna, and Roxy, matches you.
You may already be familiar with our other fun personality quizzes, such as the one we did for She-Ra Characters. But this one is dedicated to the world of magical creatures and pixie tales.
Questions that the test answers:
Which Winx Club character are you?
Right after finishing the test, your Winx Club character is revealed. You might match one of the beloved fairies of Alfea, or you may turn out to be a villain! Anything is possible in this ultimate quiz right here.
Just like our Fairy Tale Quiz, the results include different types of personalities. So, we cannot guarantee you will match a nice, kind, and cute girl. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who would you bond with?
Bonding happens when two magical creatures form a strong connection. In the Winx Club Character Quiz, you have the chance to discover what supernatural beings would like to become your BFF. Possibilities are, one of the following creatures would be your bond:
- Fairy Animals
- Fairy Pets
- Pixies
- Selkies
Who is your Winx Club boyfriend or girlfriend?
You might be a boy-shy like Aisha. But here is the thing, our character quiz reveals your Winx Club no matter how introverted you are.
What is your alias, class, sign, and power?
Your big question might be something as simple as, “Which Winx Club character am I?” But that is not the only thing we answer on this page. You also discover what your fairy age, sign, hobbies, skills, and powers could be had you been a real-world magical boy or girl.
Character | Sign |
Bloom | Dragon |
Flora | Dryad |
Musa | Elf |
Aisha | Chimera |
Stella | Mermaid |
Tecna | Triton |
Roxy | Phoenix |
How to Know Which Winx Club Character You Are without a Quiz?
You should study all the girls’ personalities to see which one is more similar to you. But that could take hours. So, here is an alternative. Read the following summary of the Winx Club characters’ descriptions and decide which one represents you. (It only takes a few seconds to meet your match in this method. But the results are never as accurate as of the actual quiz).
#1: Bloom
Being the protagonist of the show, Bloom might sometimes seem impulsive, careless, and impatient. She is also an escapist, running away when things go wrong. But the thing about her is that she has a heart of gold. Bloom’s friends can always rely on her because she is brave enough to step forward to support her friends and protect them.
When asked, ‘Which Winx Club character you are?’ most fans would say, Bloom. She is the most popular fairy among all.
#2: Flora
People who match Flora are soft-spoken, calm, and sweet. She is one of the loveliest girls in the show, helping everyone out with her healing magical potions and remedies. Flora loves plants and vegetations of all kinds. And she cares for her flowers as much as she does for her friends.
#3: Stella
A fashionista would say I’m Stella when asked, “Which Winx Club character are you?” She is the sassiest fairy ever, being obsessed with everything about fashion, dresses, costumes, and all that. But that is not the only side of her personality. Stella is a proud, self-confident, and classy girl. Although she might be oblivious now and then, she never forgets to be there for her friends.
#4: Musa
Being all about music, dance, and rhythm is Musa’s thing. She is a tomboyish and tough-looking fairy. But she is also the most emotional girl in the group. Her relationship with Riven is an example of how she can go through a series of emotional ups and downs in a short period. (The two break up and reconcile, like, dozens of times in the show).
#5: Tecna
If you ask a geeky fan, “Which Winx Club character are you?” They would most definitely say, “I’m Tecna.” She is a technology-lover who happens to be a genius with an unbelievably high IQ. It is hard for her to express emotions, though. That is why Tecna usually seems overly logical and emotionless.
#6: Aisha
Being the wises fairy in the Winx Saga, Aisha is a reliable friend. She is open-minded and opinionated, which makes her a natural coach and teacher.
Take to Quiz to Meet Your Fairy Character
Still wondering which Winx Club character you are? Well, the answer is only 20 questions away from you. Take the test, and let us discover your perfect match through a comprehensive (and fun) personality analysis. The results will NOT disappoint you.
QuizExpo does not own any of the images used in the ‘Winx Club Character Quiz.’ Nickelodeon owns all the said pictures.