Am I Spoiled? Signs you are spoiled
If you don’t appreciate things people do for you, share with others, take criticism, acknowledge your responsibilities, or show empathy towards others’ emotions, you are a spoiled person.
A Brutal Quiz to Reveal if You’re Spoiled
Questions like “Am I a bad person?” or “Am I self-absorbed?” bother many. That’s why we created an accurate test to reveal the brat side of your persona and help with finding the correct answer. We hate to label you as self-centered or overindulged. But you may need to hear that to change for the better.
Here’s everything you learn by taking the ‘Am I Brattish Quiz.’
Find out how spoiled you are.
Being a self-absorbed person has different layers. So, many times, the big question is actually, “How spoiled are you?” Our quiz can determine that looking into your responses and choices. But we don’t promise that you’d like the results.
Discover the WHY behind your self-centeredness.
You might be here because you asked, “Am I spoiled?” But have you ever thought about the reason why you might be that way? Our test offers some hints on the reasons behind your potential self-centric behaviors and what caused you to be self-involved.
How to Know if You’re Spoiled with a Test?
Taking the quiz is the fastest and most accurate way of analyzing your personality. But you may be too spoiled actually to take the time and respond to the questions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If that’s the case, here’s how to self-evaluate your character and look for the red flags. Any of the following signs could indicate that you’re a bit of a self-centered person.
Sign #1: You Can’t Take Criticism.
Spoiled kids (and adults) cannot absorb the fact that they have flaws. They’re raised as Golden Children treated like perfectly fine princes and princesses. If you flip out when someone criticizes you, it’s because you’re too self-centric to understand it.
Sign #2: You Don’t Appreciate.
Another red flag that helps spot the brattish people is the lack of appreciation. Spoiled individuals don’t say thank you no matter what. In their mind, everyone needs to serve them. So, they take your favors for granted and even get mad at you if you refuse to help them. If such traits remind you of yourself, we’ve got some bad news; you’re a spoiled kid.
Sign #3: You Don’t Share.
Sharing is earning. But not when you’re a spoiled little monster. Self-absorbed people don’t even see sharing as an option in life. Even worst, they might expect you to share your stuff with them.
Sign #4: You Have No Empathy.
A spoiled person would never be an empath. They’re so self-involved that they don’t even realize others have emotions, ideas, and opinions, too. Just like a brat child, they’d nag about everything and wait for others to take care of their problems.
How the ‘Am I Spoiled Quiz’ Works
The test is a set of twenty questions that focus on your childhood memories and your current characteristics. Here’s what to know about each stage.
Looking into your parents’ behaviors.
It usually starts with how your mom and dad raised you. There’s a fine line between creating a little monster or a good person. Parents try to give their children what they didn’t have as a kid most of the time. But they overdo it, turning their baby into a willful, unruly, and rude individual with no sense of appreciation. That’s why we look into your parents’ traits to answer questions like, “Am I spoiled?”
Review your views on life and relationships.
It may start in your family. But it’s your characteristics that determine if you’re self-centered or not. You can find many children raised to become brats, but they refused to remain that way and changed for the better. So, we do care about your current decisions, views, and deeds in life when determining if you’re spoiled.
3 Things That Stops Your Child from Becoming a Brat
You’re here to know if you are a brattish person. But it’s also good to know how not to raise one. The fact that you’re worried about being spoiled is a red flag that you might also turn your child into one at some point. So, do the following things to dodge creating a little monster.
Limiting gifts and favors.
Your kid needs to know that there are limitations in life. Drowning them in gifts might seem like an innocent good-parent thing. But it’ll turn your child into a spoiled creature who can’t take no as an answer.
Teaching the difference between need and want.
Parents who raise brats say yes to every child’s request, no matter how unnecessary or unrealistic it is. However, kids that don’t learn the difference between needs and wants will face many problems in life as grownups. No matter how wealthy you are, there will be things that you cannot afford. So, it’s best to teach the harsh truth of life when they can handle it.
Showing them acquiring something takes time.
Spoiled kids are never patient. They want things to happen right away. And it’s frustrating to be around them when they cannot acquire things they want. You need to teach your children that life doesn’t work that way, and you should put effort and energy into it to earn things.
Letting them take care of things they own.
As Meryl Streep points out, “You can’t get spoiled if you do your own ironing.” Let your kids acknowledge their responsibilities before they become little monsters.
What if the Test Said I’m Spoiled?
Don’t worry. You can let go of your brattish behavior anytime. It only requires some effort and hard work. Here’s what to do if the test results were positive.
Don’t take things for granted.
Practice being appreciating everything in life. Remind yourself that people don’t have to do your favors or help you. So, when they do, you have to thank them one way or another.
Listen more than you talk.
Most people who ask things like, “Am I spoiled?” ignore the red flags around them. That’s because they don’t listen to anyone in their lives. Understanding what others say is a skill. And you should learn it before your brattish persona takes over every aspect of your life.
Remind yourself that you’re not the center of the world.
Try letting go of your self-centric views. Life goes on with or without you. Cherish every moment that passes by without pain and misery. And be mindful that everyone deserves to have the same opportunities. Don’t expect anyone to put your needs before themselves.
The ‘Am I Spoiled Quiz’ goal is to remind you of appreciation, empathy, and sharing in life. Please, take the results lightly.