A Ridiculously Accurate Pirate Name Generator
Almost all the pirate title-creating tools offer random first names and surnames. However, QuizExpo created an analytical generator that uses psychology and personality analysis to give you a sea wolf title. And that is why the results make sense.
Find Out Your Raider Name (Male or Female)
The name generator on this page creates both man and woman pirate titles. It also offers unisex combinations. (In case you do not resonate with the said genders).
Note that the results are created in real-time as you progress through the questionary. So, it is an interactive test.
Get a Badass Nickname
Sea thieves used to have some bynames to make them stand out. By using the Pirate Name Generator, you find out what your nickname would be as a captain.
Discover Your Flag Color and Ship Title
Raider ships had two types of flags, red or black. The former meant that the crew are brutal and will kill you right away. And the latter was the most common color to show that you are not a friendly vessel. The Pirate Name Generator determines which of the two colors you would use based on your personality traits.
Plus, the tool can suggest the best title for your boat. We analyzed the world’s most famous sea thieve crafts such as Queen Ann’s Revenge, Whydah Gally, Fancy, Dancing Molly, etc. to come up with a database of cool vessel names as well.
Receive a FREE Personality Analysis
Your answers allow us to study your character. So, by the end of the test, you receive a comprehensive description of what kind of person you are and how it affected your pirate title.
Cool Ideas for Generating Your Pirate Name
The 17th to 18th century was the golden age of piracy. One cool idea to create a pirate nickname is to use popular names and surnames of that particular era and combine them to create fictional titles. Below is a list that can help you with that.
Note: choose one word from each column to generate your favorite piracy by name.
Pirate Name Prefix | 18th Century Forename | Popular Surnames |
Captain | Jack | White |
Black | Samuel | Wood |
Ruthless | Alexander | Jackson |
Undefeatable | Geoffrey | Parker |
The One-Eyed | Roger | Bailey |
Big | Margery | Hunter |
Lord | Anne | Jones |
Dead | Meredith | Taylor |
King | Rachel | Robinson |
Some of our favorite combinations using the above table are:
- Captain Margery Hunter
- Lord Geoffrey Jackson
- The Dead Jack Parker
- The Ruthless Roger Jones
- The One-Eyed Meredith White
Unforgettable Real Pirate Names
Throughout piracy history, many men and women made their names into the books and folklore legends. And some managed to make their reputation immortal. Below you see the top three legendary sea thieves that will never fade away.
Ching Shih
Also known as Madame Cheng, Ching Shih was a Chinese pirate leader with 80,000 soldiers. She was one of the respected raiders of her time. However, Ching used to be a prostitute before marrying her husband’s adopted son and becoming China’s undefeatable captain.
Mary Reed
Her pirate nickname was Mark Read. And that is because she used to pretend as if she is a man. Many of her crewmates did not know that Mary is a female, which shows how strong and smart she was.
Edward Teach used to set his beard and hair on fire before the battle, so his enemies would see smoke coming out of his hair. And that terrified his targets. Blackbeard is one of the most famous sea thieves of all times who is known for using interesting fighting techniques, such as carrying two swords simultaneously.
Why Did Pirates Have Such Weird Names, though?
The term “PIRATE” is derived from the Latin word ‘Pirata,’ meaning “Sea Thieve.” And as the definition suggests, people who chose piracy as their job could have troublesome life. But there are three primary theories on why they had uncommon and somewhat weird nicknames.
Theory #1: Hiding Their Identity
The governments did not like sea thieves (for obvious reasons). So, they used many methods, such as hiring privateers to battle them. Many believe that pirates used unreal names to hide their identity from the governments and thus to save their family and friends on the land.
Theory #2: Scaring Off Their Enemies
Another idea is that nicknames were used to make the enemies and competitors fear the captains. But that is a controversial belief since most pirates did not deliberately choose their sea titles—and it was given to them.
Theory #3: Being Romanticized (Unintentionally)
The most rational idea is that people used to get fascinated by the sea thieves’ stories even at that time. And they tended to give cool names to pirates, making them somewhat of hero-ish figures.
Ready to Find Out Your Title?
The Pirate Name Generator is the coolest and most fun way to create your unique nickname. It also allows you to share it with your friends, asking them to call you by your captain title from now on.
All you need to do is answer twenty entertaining questions. That’s it. Let’s find out what you would be called as a sea thief.