A Genuinely Reliable Narcolepsy Test
The questionnaire includes questions about your sleeping patterns and behaviors. The goal is to discover if you have any sleep-related disorders or not. And you get to self-report your symptoms to receive an accurate diagnosis.
Find out if you have narcolepsy.
Do you ask yourself, “Why am I so tired?” and things like that? Well, that might be because you’re narcoleptic. The test analyzes your symptoms to see if it’s a chronic disorder or just general laziness. The thing is that several conditions, such as depression, might have similar red flags. So, you definitely need a clinical or online examination to find the real cause of your sleepiness.
Understand and evaluate the symptoms.
Narcoleptic people might not be aware of all the signs of the condition. For example, having highly vivid dreams is one of the critical symptoms. But not many people are aware of it because it doesn’t seem to be a problem. The narcolepsy test helps you review all the signs and factors to get a 100% reliable result. It’ll also break down the information to have a solid grasp of your possible disorder.
See what the other possibilities are.
You might ask, “Am I lazy, or is it an actual disorder?” And that’s understandable. Several conditions might result in sleepiness and narcolepsy-like symptoms. The good thing about our online test is that it covers all of them. So, you don’t need to take separate quizzes to roll out other possibilities.
How to Know if You Have Narcolepsy?
The most common methods of diagnosing one with a chronic sleep disorder are polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test. A Narcolepsy blood test is rarely required, but it helps doctors examine your genes to see if you have any HLA DQB * 0602 marker.
But if your question is, “Do I have narcolepsy?” you should look for the following symptoms.
#1. You’re sleepy all day long.
The most vital sign of a chronic sleep disorder is feeling sleepy during the daytime regardless of your sleep schedule. A narcoleptic person would feel drowsy and tired no matter how rested. So, if you feel exhausted throughout the day while not being on any medications, you might struggle with a disorder. (The narcolepsy test can determine if your daytime sleepiness is normal or worrying).
#2. You face muscle weakness.
Cataplexy is another symptom of narcolepsy. It happens when you go through intense emotions and weakens your muscles to the point where you find it hard to move. For example, you might burst into laughter and suddenly feel like you cannot move.
#3. You often go through sleep paralysis.
It’s when your brain is awake, but your body is still asleep. Sleep paralysis is common among narcoleptic patients because of the impairment of sleep-wake balance in the brain. If you often feel paralyzed in your sleep, you might have narcolepsy.
#4. You have vivid hallucinations.
People who ask, “Do I have narcolepsy?” might worry about their condition when their dreams turn into hallucinations. Chronic sleep disorders often blur the line between reality and dreams, especially when falling asleep or waking up. So, you may see or hear things that aren’t there while feeling sleepy or trying to wake up. But it’s a tricky symptom, and you need to be careful about your hallucinations. If you see or hear things while entirely awake, you should see a psychologist as soon as possible.
#5. Your night’s sleep is fragmented.
One of the important factors that the narcolepsy test considers is your sleep pattern. The amount of sleep you get each night and its consistency can reveal many things about your condition. Most narcoleptic patients are sleepy throughout the day but find it challenging to sleep at night. They often wake up several times and can’t go back to sleep quickly.
You Don’t Need All the Symptoms to be Diagnosed with Narcolepsy.
A tricky thing that confuses most narcolepsy tests is that not many patients have all the main symptoms of the condition. So, one might only face sleepiness and never go through cataplexy or hallucinations. When self-assessing your condition, remember that an accurate diagnosis requires a complete examination. So, your best bet is either a clinical or a genuine online test.
How Accurate is the Online Narcolepsy Test?
The quiz is in self-report format. So, you get to evaluate your symptoms on your own. And its accuracy depends on your answers’ reliability. The upside of taking the narcolepsy test is a guided process. So, you don’t have to worry about the examination process. All you need to do is read the questions carefully and answer them as accurately as possible. That will leave you with 100% reliable and informative results.
It’s More Common Than You Think
What if the narcolepsy test said you have a chronic sleep disorder? Well, there’s no need to worry. According to MedlinePlus, “Narcolepsy affects about 1 in 2,000 people in the United States and Western Europe.” So, it’s a pretty common condition. And although it doesn’t have a permanent cure, it’s completely manageable. You can consume medications or use specific methods to minimize the negative effects of your condition and have a normal daily life.
Narcolepsy Test Disclaimer
The questionnaire on this page is designed to help people who ask, “Do I have narcolepsy?” It’s not a medical diagnosis and is not meant to replace one. Please, consider visiting a doctor for a medical procedure if you feel like you have a chronic sleep disorder. Plus, avoid consuming any self-prescribed medications because you may worsen your condition.