The World’s First Narcissist Died of Self-Love!
Narcissus was an ancient Greek figure who fell in love with his own reflection in the water. He eventually drowned and died while trying to touch his image. And that is where the term “Narcissism” comes from. “Inflated and grandiose self-image.”
Take the test to find out if you are an extremely difficult person like Narcissus or not.
A Realistic Narcissist Test Based on Mark Ettensohn’s Work
Mark Ettensohn is a California-based psychologist who is also the author of the ‘Guide to Understanding the Narcissist in Your Life.’ He defined the condition as self-esteem-related problems that created a personality disorder, also known as NPD. Our test uses his work and methodology to find out if you are a toxically self-centered individual or not.
What Does the Test Tell You?
The quiz results include Dr. Ettensohn’s insights on the condition. However, you receive additional information such as the type of NPD you are struggling with and more. (See below).
· The type of narcissistic person you are.
Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a professor of psychology, says, “there are five types of narcists in the world, toxic, classic, vulnerable, communal, and benign.” Our quiz lets you know which one matches your traits. Read on for more info on each category.
· The severity of your condition.
Your NPD level can differ from someone else. You could be either less toxic or problematic. So, the narcissist test reveals how egoistic you are.
· Possibility of being a victim.
Sometimes, participants are like, “Am I narcissistic or a victim?” That is pretty common for emotionally abused people to feel confused like that. So, we also clarify if you are wounded by someone else’s self-centric behavior, or it is you hurting others.
Spotting Narcissism Using the DSM-5 Revised Guidelines
In June 2011, American Psychiatric Association changed the symptoms of NPD, offering new guidelines. According to the new handbook, several criteria such as empathy level should be examined when diagnosing someone with this condition. That is what the narcissist test does for you. It examines the presence or absence of the following symptoms.
Self-identity issues
People with NPD might excessively use others’ descriptions to create a self-image.
Goal-setting impairments
Narcissism can affect one’s goal-setting procedure, making them all about gaining others’ approval.
Lack of empathy and intimacy
It is challenging for a person with a self-centric attitude to understand others’ emotions—or care for them. Plus, such individuals find it difficult to get intimate with others because it might confront their superficial self-perception.
Grandiosity and constant attention-seeking are other symptoms of NPD. Such traits urge the person to try hard to be in the spotlight and convince people that they deserve more.
The 5 Types of Narcissistic People
You are NOT taking a simple narcissist test on this page. The results offer insights into your possible condition as well as its psychological category. We employed Dr. Ramani’s model to identify your self-centric behavior’s category accurately.
#1: Grandiose
Grandiosity is the most common type of narcissism. It is also known as the classic version. That is because such a person always brags about how awesome they are. And they also tend to be snowflakes, believing they need special treatment—just because.
#2: Benign
People in this category are the least damaging narcissists. Dr. Ramani describes them as “high school boy/girlfriends who show off and talk about their extraordinariness all the time.”
#3: Covert
Also known as Vulnerable Narcissistic Personality, coverts tend to be pass-aggressive. They think that no one in the world understands how fascinating they are. And that is what makes them stupid. So, such individuals often keep their self-centric traits hidden. But you always feel something is wrong with their character.
#4: Communal
People in this category engage in social activities, charities, and community events just to gain the approval of others. As Dr. Ramani points out, such persons are mean and toxic to their close ones. But they create a fake social identity that everyone loves and praises, so they can feed their narcissistic side.
#5: Malignant
This is the group that you do NOT want to match in the narcissist test. People with this condition do horrible things such as fraud, robbery, cheating, lying, and more to satisfy their superficial self-image. They may look like a psychopath or a sociopath on the outside. However, they still fall into the NPD spectrum.
Things that The Narcissist Test Gets Right
Most online tests return a Yes-No result when you ask, “Am I narcissistic?” And that is not helpful. Plus, many others actually provide you with false information. For instance, they may diagnose victims of NPD with the very same condition—because of the wrong analysis process.
However, our questionary is 100% based on psychological studies and approved symptoms. So, it gets the following concepts as precisely as possible.
Self-Confidence Vs. NPD
You cannot label anybody who has an excessive amount of self-esteem as a narcissist. In one of her recent interviews, Dr. Ramani says, “Self-confident people do not need to blast their achievements from every rooftop or social media platform.” However, humans are not the same. So, your friend (or maybe you, yourself) might enjoy show-offs. And that does not necessarily make you a toxically self-centered person. The good news is that our quiz can distinguish the two concepts.
Toxic NPD Vs. Classic Grandiosity
You cannot compare the damage a Malignant person causes with a classic NPD case. So, you should be careful how with the titles and labels. Our narcissist test precisely clarifies how bad your condition is without miscategorizing you.
Abusiveness Vs. Being Abused
Several psychologists have suggested that individuals abused by narcissistic people might be wrongfully diagnosed with the condition. That is because abusive characters tend to make their victims believe that THEY are the toxic ones. And in some cases, the target falls for their words and creates a fake self-image that matches their accusations.
The WHY Behind NPD
As Dr. Mark Ettensohn writes in his book, “For narcissists, feeling important can be as precious as a last bite of bread to someone stranded on a desert island. When narcissistic supply is low, it is very difficult to let others take the spotlight. The dilemma for self-centric people is that their supply is always nearly empty.” So, the why behind their traits is often a feeling of insecurity and emptiness that needs to be filled with others’ attention, love, or praise.
Read This Before Asking, “Am I Narcissistic?”
A professional psychologist is the only reliable person who can diagnose you with NDP. While the narcissist test is accurate, you still need to consult a doctor to learn more about your condition—and start treatment. However, if the question is crawling in your mind and you want a quick, reliable answer, take the test on this page. The results will most definitely help you out.