A Genuine Test to Assess Your Maturity
Maturity is the awareness of your situation, the emotions you have, and the most effective action to respond to them. The test, therefore, includes twenty related questions to judge the way you perceive life and interact with it. And the goal is to identify how mature you are.
Similar to a Mental Age Test, your physical growth is irrelevant to the results. You might be chronologically 50 years old yet have a 10-year-old’s emotional maturity.
Find Out How Mature You Are
Adulthood is layered, containing many different stages. It is not a fixed point you reach when you are, say, in your 30s and remain an adult for the rest of your life. Contrarily, it has different developmental levels, each indicating a certain degree of wisdom. So, one of the main questions to address to yourself is, “How mature am I?” The quiz on this page can answer that, though.
We analyze every aspect of your character, having the maturity factors in mind. Then, we compare your characteristics to our database, determining your exact reliability level.
Get a Separate Emotional Maturity Evaluation
You are emotionally mature when you clearly understand and manage your emotions. And the cool thing about this test is that it evaluates that, too. By the end of the test, you find out how at ease you are with your feelings and what it tells about your personality.
See How Mature Your Relationships Are
As CDC.gov points out, “Relationship maturity is the ability to live up to the responsibilities of a love relationship”. Our test can identify how good you are at that even if you are currently single—or have never been in a romantic relationship.
What Are the Criteria of the Maturity Test?
It considers the Three Virtues of Maturity to evaluate your overall wisdom, communication, trust, and vulnerability. Here is everything you need to know about each criterion.
#1: Communication
The first thing we evaluate in the Maturity Test is your capacity to explain your thoughts, emotions, and opinions. An immature person would struggle to get their message across regardless of its validity or complexity.
So, we want to see how well you can express your feelings and talk about your ideas. The better you are at it, the higher your maturity level is.
#2: Trust
Immaturity is tied to trust issues. You are not a mature person unless you can rely on others in a non-toxic way. Am established person would never expect others to read their mind. Instead, they would help others understand what is going on in their brains and how they feel about it.
That is another criterion we look into when assessing how mature you are. We expose your trust patterns and toxicity intensity to finetune the results.
#3: Vulnerability
You are always open to emotional pitfalls. But only a mature person truly adapts to that. Your capacity to be vulnerable shows how wise you are. Immaturity is when you escape the reality of life, trying to hide or ignore your weaknesses. An irresponsible individual’s coping strategy is going numb or cold when facing a rush of unpleasing emotions. However, an accountable person accepts their vulnerability and looks for ways to feel better or solve the potential problem(s).
5 Questions to Ask Before, “How Mature Am I?”
The Maturity Test helps you weigh your wisdom. But there are other things you can do to see how established your personality is—and how you should feel about it.
Asking yourself the following questions before taking the quiz gives you an idea of what to expect in the results.
Do I know the name of my emotions’ faces?
Do I own up to my mistakes?
Can I be an active listener?
Can I feel happy without receiving constant attention?
Do I have filters for my thoughts and actions?
Note: If your answer to most of the above questions is “No,” you are immature. (No need to take the test).
What to Do If the Test Said You Are Emotionally Immature
You can always grow and develop. So, if the test says you are immature, it would be a good idea to practice maturity. The following steps can lead you to become a responsible and reliable adult regardless of your age.
Acknowledge your emotions—and don’t push them away.
Knowing the names of your emotions’ faces is a sign of maturity. Sadness can show up in the form of anger. Stress might be your fears mask. And emotional numbness could be heartbreak’s red flag. A mature person can identify the true nature of misleading feelings without resisting them.
Take full responsibility for your actions.
If you want to leave the immaturity behind, practice accountability. Own up to your mistakes, and apologize for the wrong things you have done. Although it sounds simple, stepping up and acknowledging responsibility is a challenge for not fully formed personalities.
Don’t repeat your mistakes.
It is childish to say you are sorry and then make the same mistake again. Maturity requires you to learn a lesson from your faults and move forward, leaving them behind.
Find an emotionally mature role model, and copy their actions.
A child imitates maturity provided that there are responsible parents around. So, one way to become an adult is to find established role models and copy their actions, just like a child would do.
The Maturity Test is not designed to label you as irresponsible or childish. The only goal here is to assess how established your personality is and what you should do about it. So, please, take the results lightly.