1 of 20
When do you feel the luckiest?
  • a

    When I’m facing a challenge

  • b

    When I’m calm, and life’s peaceful

  • c

    When I’m trying my best and working hard

  • d

    When finally something good happens in my life

  • e

    I never feel lucky


Question 1: When do you feel the luckiest?

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How fortunate you are? This luck test uses the four principles of good fortune to determine if you are a blessed one. Is life handing you a four-leaf clover?

What Is a Luck Test?

It’s a 20-question randomized process to assess luckiness by inspecting four aspects of blessing in your life: Emotions, mindsets, approaches, and perceptions.

Like the lucky number finder quiz, we do NOT base our results on superstitions. Instead, we use the most recent findings of the science of luck to generate reliable, accurate answers.

Am I a Lucky Person?

You are a lucky individual if you maximize your chance of opportunity, listen to your gut feelings, have an optimistic outlook, and appreciate your current achievements. Though, ancient cultures believed that lucky ones are blessed with supernatural energies and, therefore, come across more opportunities in life.

A Research-Backed Luck Quiz Based on Dr. Wiseman’s Work

The serendipity test uses Dr. Richard Wiseman’s findings published in his 2003 best-seller: The Luck Factor.

He spent several years studying self-claimed lucky and unlucky people to understand the patterns. And he found out that four principles (i.e., emotions, mindsets, approaches, and perceptions) control one’s fortune—and there’s no magical or supernatural power involved.

We used Dr. Wiseman’s investigations and breakdowns to create an actual luck test that works. So, unlike other quizzes, this one will not disappoint you at the end, and you’ll actually find the results helpful.

Analyzing the 4 Principles of Fortune

How does the test work, you might ask? It employs the same approaches that Dr. Wiseman used when writing his book about the fortune factor.

Basically, we will put you through some psychological tests and calculate your luck based on your responses.

So, the luck test comes in four segments, each focused on one particular principle of serendipity.

#1. Chance of opportunity

Lucky people notice, act upon, and even create opportunities. So, the initial stage of the luck test is devoted to reviewing your approaches.

The goal is to determine if you wait for good things to happen or move towards them?

#2. Intuitions and emotions

It’s essential to know how reliant you are on your gut feelings. Surveys show that 90% of people who feel lucky trust their intuitions in their relationships and decisions.

So, the second part of the fortune test tries to identify how likely you are to believe in yourself and act upon your emotions.

#3. Expectations and mindset.

Individuals with high expectations and optimistic outlooks feel luckier than pessimistic ones. So, the luck quiz also tries to evaluate your views on life before making any assumptions.

Feeling blessed helps your brain function at ease and make better decisions, leading to better outcomes.

#4. Perceptions and opinions.

Another principle of luck is the ability to turn bad fortune into a blessing. Dr. Wiseman’s studies showed that optimistic people are able to see the good in the bad, which in return, makes them feel providential even when something unpleasant happens.

It’s like, those who can say, “It could’ve been worse,” are luckier than those who cannot.

So, the fourth and final section of the luck test tries to uncover your perceptions before revealing how blessed or unblessed you are.

Find Out What Type of Lucky Person You Are

Not every fluky person wins the lottery. Many believe that there are different types of fortune in life that come in various forms and from numerous sources.

The good thing about the luck test is that it’ll let you know your spring of godsend and why.

Here are the three primary sources of blessing according to myths and facts.

Heavenly luck

Some have tried to test their luck by date of birth, believing that the day you were born affects your destiny. So, based on this belief, Sagittarius is the luckiest of all the star signs. And Libra is the unluckiest one.

Star Sign Luck
Aries Usually on a roll for a while.
Taurus Is lucky in particular areas.
Gemini Often faces roadblocks instead of blessings.
Cancer Has fluctuant and unpredictable fortune.
Leo Is the luckiest out of all.
Virgo Is lucky in business and finance.
Libra Is amongst the unluckiest signs.
Scorpio Has a good fortune without even trying.
Sagittarius Is known as the luckiest star sign.
Capricorn Is often unlucky despite working hard.
Aquarius Is luckier than most star signs.
Pisces Benefits from momentary luck.


While our fortune quiz is based on actual research, we offer some insight on how your zodiac sign might be affecting your fate—just in case you believe in such stuff.

Of course, some belief in other types of heavenly like, such as your guardian angel or the numeral patterns you see around. But we excluded such ideas from the questionnaire to finetune the results.

Energetic luck

While not entirely backed by scientific data, some suggest that electromagnetic fields affect your behavior and the events of your life.

We cannot assess your electromagnetic fields with an online quiz. But we’ll try to determine what vibe you give off and how it might affect your kismet.

Human luck

The test is able to recognize if you are psychologically a lucky person.

Several studies show that people with the right mindset and outlook feel blessed and are generally more successful than pessimistic individuals.

Here’s Why You Feel Unlucky

When you expect a bad fortune, you feel less motivated to try and change for the better. So, eventually, your lack of motivation or hard work causes unpleasant outcomes.

For example, you might not prepare for a job interview because you assume that they won’t hire you. Meanwhile, another person would train hard and practice for the same job interview and impress the interviewers like a piece of cake.

So, in most similar scenarios, it’s not your luck’s fault that you’re not doing well. Your mindset stops you from trying harder and, therefore, turns you into a self-claimed unlucky person.


QuizExpo is not associated with any of the names or organizations mentioned in the luck test. No copyright infringement is intended. And the questionnaire is created independently—although inspired by some copyrighted material.

Please, contact us with any concerns or requests.