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Question 1: What makes someone attractive?

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The Jock Nerd Goth Prep Quiz exposes your archetype based on the jock-nerd/prep-goth alignment chart. You will find an accurate result with details at the end.

What Is the Jock Nerd Goth Prep Test?

Made up of personality questions, the Jock Nerd Goth Prep Quiz is an archetype analyzer that reveals your stereotypical persona. The test works based on the titular alignment chart, a two-axis classification system.

Basically, the Jock Nerd Goth Prep Quiz identifies if you’re a sport-head dummy, an introverted bookworm, a depressed emo, or a classy alumnus.

How to Know Where You Land on the Alignment Chart?

To know your place on the Jock-Nerd/Prep-Goth alignment chart, classify your hobbies, style, and social interactions.

If you lean toward athleticism and sociability and your style is sporty, you’re a jock. If you prefer reading and loneliness and you don’t have a particular style, you’re a nerd. But if you’re into reading and geeky stuff but you enjoy social activities, and you care about your style, you’re a prep. And if you enjoy things like listening to music, are not sociable, and have a non-conforming style, you’re a goth.

·       Jock

A jock is an athletic person with an average IQ. It’s the type of person who spends most of their time at the gym and cares about popularity and competition more than anything else.

·       Nerd

A nerd is a bookworm obsessed with specific topics—usually scientific stuff—and lacks social abilities. It’s the type of person who knows a lot about geeky matters but has few friends and is socially awkward.

·       Prep

A prep or preppy is a classy, well-mannered person with traditional taste in fashion—and conservative views on social matters. It’s the persona of a stereotypical successful alumnus with a rather luxurious lifestyle.

·       Goth

A goth is a non-conforming person with a thing for a dark, gloomy, and depressing form of art—especially in music and fashion. It’s the archetype of introverted non-conformists who don’t seek society’s validation.

  • Normie

A normie is an average person with predictable and non-controversial behaviors. One who doesn’t fit any of the jock, nerd, prep, or goth archetypes is often categorized as a normie—due to playing it safe on the quiz.

What’s the Origin Story of the Jock-Nerd/Prep-Goth Chart?

The alignment chart for jock, nerd, prep, and goth originated on Tumblr in 2017 when users created two-axis charts to classify fictional and famous pop culture personalities. But it was initially a viral meme that then turned into a personality quiz.

Similar to the Princess, Slut, Loser Quiz, the Jock Nerd Goth Prep Test became a thing when TikTok and Tumblr users started posting their own archetypes on social platforms.

Are You a Jock, Goth, Nerd, or Prep?

Let’s expose if you’re a Gigachad, a blue soul, a Star Wars fanatic, or a pretentious student. (Yes, at least one of these personas lurks in you.)

The following questions reveal if you’re a jock, goth, nerd, or preppie with high accuracy. And all you have to do is press the start button.