The Men Taste Test Explained
It’s a series of relationship, romance, interest, and experience questions to analyze your taste in men. The results of the test show if there’s anything wrong with the type of men you date.
Do you have bad taste in guys?
You may have a daddy issue or even worse. But how do you know that? The quiz on this page looks into your decisions and criteria when picking a male partner. It spots any problematic ideologies and toxic or harmful patterns.
What does your taste in men say about you?
The quiz comes with a free personality breakdown. It offers more insight into what type of person you are and why you prefer certain kinds of guys. Your definition of masculinity can also determine how you view and experience your own gender identity in general.
How the Men Taste Quiz Works
The test’s premise is to answer questions like, “How’s my taste in men?” To do so, it considers the four most important aspects of your love life, previous relationships, standards, self-worth level, views on romance. Here’s what to know about each phase.
Analyzing your exes
Thinking about guys you’ve dated before is inevitable when one asks, “How’s your taste in men?” The same is true for the quiz participants. We want you to review all the interactions you’ve ever had with your masculine partners or dates. Your experiences enable us to create an accurate profile for you and see any pattern.
Note: You don’t have to have exes to take the quiz. It’s designed for anyone who wants to analyze their taste in men.
Going through your standards
Your criteria matter. Most of us have filters to distinguish what type of person is good or bad. You cannot analyze one’s taste in guys without knowing what they pick their partners based upon. That’s why the quiz looks into your standards. The goal is to see if they’re too low or too high.
Looking into your self-worth level
You might be asking yourself, “Am I lovely?” and all that. But that’s the wrong question. When inspecting your taste in men, the best question to ask is, “Do I love myself?” If not, you’d find yourself dating the wrong guys one after another. That’s why the test challenges your opinions on yourself and digs deep into your inner thoughts on self-worth.
Understanding the psychology of your relationships
Another area of focus in the test is the thought process behind your love life decisions. We all have unconscious biases that might affect or even form our taste in men or women. It may surprise you that a friend hates nice guys and picks those who treat them poorly. But there’s a reason for that. The quiz goes through your views and expectations of a dream partner to discover the why behind your liking.
And no, we don’t judge you based on your taste in Jesus.
You can find online quizzes that evaluate your taste in men using Jesus as a reference male model. But we want you to know that such questionnaires are meant to be entertaining. So, none of them deliver actual analytical results about your preference and its details. That’s why we don’t do that. You’re about to take a genuine test revealing how your taste in men is accurate.
Signs That You Have Bad Taste in Guys
Answering “How’s your taste in men?” is complicated. But there are obvious red flags you could spot in your relationships and love life. Below are some of the undeniable signs your liking for masculinity is problematic.
No one supports your choice.
People with a bad taste in men often feel like no one validates their relationship decisions. But if you have good friends, and none of them support your new boyfriend, something cheesy is going on. It’s easier for others to spot patterns, see the red flags, and warn you about the consequences of picking the wrong partner. That’s because they are not blinded by love or lust as you are.
You believe that “All men are the same.”
All men are trash. That’s what someone with a controversial preference in guys would tell you. If you happen to be one of them, there’s no need to ask, “How’s my taste in men?” because the answer is obvious. But be mindful that not all guys are trash; YOU are the one who’s handpicking the worthless ones.
Nice guys don’t attract you.
If a polite, considerate, and well-mannered guy turns you off, don’t even bother to ask how’s your taste in men—because it sucks. People who look for bad guys and troublesome masculinity often complain about how painful being loved is. But in reality, it’s not love that’s painful; it’s their masochistic taste that’s causing the pain.
You want to change your man.
If you happen to choose guys with mommy issues, your taste is poor. Believing that you’ll change a person for the better with love or persuasion is highly unrealistic. One can only opt to change when the desire comes from within.
Your breakups sound unsurprising to others.
Your friends and family might already know how your taste in men is. So, if your heartbreaks sound natural and predictable to them, it’s a sign. A rule of thumb is that picking the wrong person will result in a breakup sooner or later. So, your close ones already anticipate your break up because they can see you choose the worst guy possible.
Our Men Taste Test Is NOT Gender-Exclusive
Most online quizzes focus on straight female individuals regarding questions like, “How’s your taste in men?” most online quizzes focus on straight female individuals. However, we all know that they are not the only ones who prefer guys. So, we want you to know that the test you’re about to test suits all genders. And the questions help anyone interested in dating males.
QuizExpo is against any kind of labeling and discrimination. We do our best to create respectful and genuine quizzes no matter the topic. You can always contact us if any of the questions or results seem inappropriate or bother you in any way. Our team will get in touch with you and solve the issue ASAP.