Signs You Are Stubborn
If you have the following attributes, you might be a stubborn person:
- You resist feedback. Stubborn people avoid comments because they might pinpoint their shortcomings—something they actively deny.
- You repeat the same mistakes. Because they dodge feedback, stubborn people are doomed to relive the same cycle of faults.
- You can’t admit failure. Accepting slipups indicates a need to change for the better. And a stubborn person wouldn’t like that.
- Apology is your last priority. A single-minded person would assume that an apology is a sign of weakness and, therefore, avoid it at all costs.
- You dislike change (of any form). They stubbornly struggle with adapting to new circumstances because, in their minds, the current path is the absolute correct one.
What Causes Stubbornness
Toxic stubbornness, characterized by an unwavering commitment to one’s beliefs or actions, typically stems from two primary sources: Fear and Pride. The fear of failure and aversion to change compel individuals to cling to their points of view, even in the face of contradicting evidence. Conversely, pride fosters the false belief of infallibility, leading individuals to assert their correctness in all matters, irrespective of their actual knowledge or experience.
For and Against Being Stubborn
Is stubbornness a positive trait? On a personal level, it may indicate determination and strong will, which are generally viewed favorably. However, excessive stubbornness can lead to negative outcomes as it can transform an individual into an inflexible authoritarian, imposing personal beliefs on others while asserting their version of truth as the only valid one.
Does this imply that stubbornness is inherently negative? Not necessarily. If your persistence doesn’t harm others, it may not be detrimental. However, if you resort to coercion, manipulation, or intimidation to impose your views onto others, then your stubbornness has evolved into a toxic characteristic.
See How Inflexible You Are with a Test
The Stubbornness Quiz identifies your flexibility level. If you want to know whether you leave the impression of a close-minded person or not, just give it a shot.
In fifteen questions, the test identifies if you’re overly attached to your beliefs or if what you have is actually constructive determination. (The difference can be so subtle.)
By the way, if you’re overthinking your social image, why don’t you take the “First Impression Quiz?” It reveals how people perceive you in everyday interactions.
Now, let’s see how obstinate you are!