Camel Calculator Test Explained
It is an online test with questions about your physical features to determine your value—in livestock. The idea is that the better you look, the more camels you are worth. The results also indicate how much someone would pay to marry you.
The Origins of ‘How Many Camels Quizzes’ Online
According to the SUN, the quiz went viral on TikTok when teens started calculating their worth in camels using online tools. There is no preliminary data on how the test got into TikTokers’ feeds. But the Gen-Zers are believed to be the reason it got so popular.
The popularity of the tools escalated when users started estimating their parents’ livestock worth and that of celebrities’. Reports even indicate that one of the online analyzers crashed due to unexpectedly high traffic to their website.
Why People Ask, “How Many Camels Am I Worth?”
The same reason they ask things like, “Am I beautiful or ugly?” Some people—especially teenagers—want to know how desirable they look. So, they tend to take all sorts of bizarre questionaries to prove a point.
The livestock-worth calculators on the internet analyze your physical appearance to come up with results. So, the general belief is that the more camel you are worth, the more attractive you are.
The Dark History of Camel Calculators
Camels have been used in some countries as payment for marriage, blood money, and even divorce fees. In such countries, livestock is equivalent to money when it comes to trading. But on two occasions (dowry/mahr and diyah), camels are used to calculate a human’s worth.
· Dowry and Mahr
A dowry is a form of gift that the bride pays to the groom in countries like India. But Mahr is a payment that a Muslim groom should make to the bride’s family. In both cases, the value of the man or woman is determined by their look, social status, and socioeconomic state. It is often for people of these regions and religions to pay the said fee in the form of livestock.
So, when you ask, “How much my girlfriend/boyfriend is worth?” you want to know how much you should pay to marry them—even though you are clueless about the meaning.
· Diyah
According to Britannica, “Diyah in Islam is a form of blood money which is calculated in camels. If you kill a Muslim man, you should pay 100 camels to his family. However, the punishment for murdering a woman is only 50 camels. And the number of livestock reduces to one-third or even less for non-Muslim victims.”
It might seem innocent to ask, “How many camels am I worth?” But in some countries, such questions determine a person’s life value, which is messed up.
Things That Affect Your Test Results
Your score will be anything between 10 to 110 camels. But what causes the numbers to be different for the participants? Our researches show that the following four factors are the main determiners of your livestock worth.
- Age
The younger, the better. Almost all online calculators favor young participants over older ones.
- Facial features
Things like being a blond woman or being a masculine-looking guy affect your result positively.
- Height
Taller men tend to be worth more camels. However, in women, the average height seems to be more attractive.
- Body type
Muscular males and sporty females are worth more camels in the online tests.
Which Countries Still Use Camels to Trade Humans?
Many Middle Eastern countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia still use camel calculators to determine blood money, dowry, or mahr. According to Hivisasa, people in Somalis pay camels to the bride’s family to show respect and strengthen their bond. Livestock trade before marriage is also a common practice in some parts of India.
Why Are Some Against the Camel Calculators?
Many suggest that questions like, “how many camels am I worth?” are offensive. And it is not acceptable to assess one’s value with livestock. The critics also point out the human rights issues such as domestic violence and crimes against women caused by dowry or mahr. They believe romanticizing and using camel calculators supports unethical laws and behaviors against certain minorities.
Others, however, suggest that it is a fun and entertaining test—and the results should be taken lightly.
Disclaimers and Final Notes
QuizExpo is against any discrimination and unfairness. We created the Camel Calculator Test to spread awareness about the origins and meanings behind it. The results include awakening messages about discriminatory and unfair laws in some countries. And the goal is to help everyone understand the actual concept behind the test.
Please, take the given numbers lightly. And do not forget that your worth cannot be assessed by livestock. Also, feel free to contact us at any time if you find any questions or answers to be inappropriate or offensive.