1 of 15
Are pink lies really a big deal?
  • a

    Yes, lie is lie

  • b

    I mean, not really

  • c

    It depends


Question 1: Are pink lies really a big deal?

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You may already be self-aware of your cunningness, but how devious are you exactly? This slyness quiz estimates your toxicity with high accuracy.

The cunning ones, those who prefer “unethical” or “sketchy” approaches to achieving things, have always been around us. And you yourself might be one of them. This quiz is the ultimate ethics test to determine how devious you are. Ready to put your honesty to the test? If so, go ahead and hit the start button now. In just 15 questions, I’ll unveil your level of trickiness with this ultimate ethics test.

Five Subtle Signs You’re Actually Devious

Deviousness has levels. While it makes some people straight-up manipulators, it is more of a harmless, playful sneakiness in others. Broadly speaking, the key indicators of cunning behavior include chronic lying, a lack of empathy, tendencies towards manipulation or control, feelings of envy and jealousy, and a lax approach to ethics.

Here are five signs you might be sly:

  • You think pink lies are not a big deal. When a small lie can save you from trouble, you just go for it.
  • You low-key enjoy controlling others. Manipulation might sound too much to you, but you’re a-okay with a bit of control over your loved ones’ lives.
  • Your empathy is conditional. You are not generous with your compassion; only some deserve it.
  • You are overly competitive and jealous. You want to be the best. And you hate it when you are not. It makes you feel annoyingly jealous.
  • Your ethics are stretchy. If ethics are what stop you from achieving your goals, you happily step over them.

The Why Behind Your Deviousness

Devious people resort to abusing others due to their own vulnerabilities. Driven by the belief that no one would accept them as they are, they may choose to attach themselves to another vulnerable person who is likely to succumb to manipulation. In essence, deviousness stems from insecurity rather than intelligence or cleverness.

Here’s How Cunning You Are

Feeling intrigued about your own deviousness level after absorbing all this information? If so, just hit the start button. My cunningness quiz identifies sly people with high accuracy. It not only pinpoints your deviousness but also gauges your toxicity level. By the end of the test, you’ll gain insights into whether you lean towards being playfully cunning or potentially manipulative with serious red flags.