20 of 20
Choose an archetype that could match your inquisitive side.
  • a


  • b


  • c


  • d


  • e

    I don’t relate to any of those


Question 20: Choose an archetype that could match your inquisitive side.

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This Curiosity Quiz reveals how curious you are based on your learning style and imagination capabilities. Just answer 20 simple questions honestly to find out.

What Is Curiosity Anyway?

At its basis, curiosity is a cognitive stimulus that induces learning. On a deeper level, however, it is a conscious perspective of looking anew, as if you never saw it before. According to Litman’s ‘Curiosity-Interest Model,’ curiosity is caused by deprivation and interest: Deprivation is a gap in knowledge, and interest is an innate desire to fill this gap.

Philosophically speaking, curiosity is being brave enough to delve into the unknown. It is the will to face the darkness, trying to ignite the wick in the candle of knowledge.

What Does the Curiosity Test Do?

With 20 intriguing questions, the Curiosity Quiz identifies how inquisitive you are. Even better, it reveals what type of curiosity you have so that you know how to satisfy it.

Premise-wise, the goal of the Curiosity Quiz is simple: It determines how curious you are. But its results come with additional insights into your interests and even your style of learning that could help improve your learning experience.

Does Curiosity Have Levels and Types?

According to Berlyne (1960), curiosity is of two types: diverse and epistemic. With diverse curiosity, the urge to try out new things roots in a preference for novelty and variety. However, with epistemic curiosity, the ultimate motivation is to acquire knowledge and understand different concepts.

How to Know If You’re Curious?

Curiosity is a will to try novel experiences or acquire new knowledge. If you enjoy learning and strive for fresh occurrences in life, you are a curious person.

Here are five signs you have high levels of curiosity:

  • You question every thought or piece of information.
  • You are an active learner, not a passive student.
  • Your daydreaming and imagination inspire you.
  • The lack of resources only encourages you to dig deeper for information.
  • You have a knack for asking questions from various perspectives.

Is Too Much Curiosity a Bad Thing?

The old saying “curiosity killed the cat” has proven to be misleading throughout human history. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants—curious giants who were brave enough to question everything we know and all that we don’t. So, no. Curiosity is not a bad thing; it’s fuel to learn, to grow, and to progress.

Too much curiosity can only be toxic when it’s aimed in the wrong direction. For instance, being curious about others’ personal lives would only do more harm than good.

How to Recover Curiosity?

Inquisitiveness spurts out of interest and dies in the lack of it. To revive your curiosity, spend quality time doing activities you genuinely enjoy, not those you think are good for you—or your future dream job. Get a hobby. Avoid excessive recreational time-fillers. And more importantly, ask more questions.

Here’s How Curious You Are (Based on 20 Factors)

For those curious to know how curious they are, this quiz has an intriguing way of distinguishing the nosy from the apathetic. Answer the following questions to discover how big of a learning enthusiast you are and how willing you are to let new things into your life.

If you enjoyed this one, you should definitely give our Humility Quiz a go. It uses a similar process to reveal how humble you are.

Okay, now let’s see how curious you are in your everyday life. 🦝🤔💭