Harry Potter House Quiz. Which Hogwarts House Are You In?

If you want to be in Hogwarts, this Harry Potter House Quiz can help you find your house. Just answer the simple questions of this sorting hat test.

harry potter house quiz

Every real Harry Potter fan wants to know which Hogwarts house is the best for him. It is not very hard, and you can find your house by answering some simple questions.

Today, we have a Harry Potter house quiz for you to help you find out. If you are a Potter superfan, you would probably know about the four houses, but if you don’t, we are going to walk through them in this test for a quick refresher!

Hogwarts is divided into four houses named after their founders: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff. Throughout the school year, these houses compete for the House Cup, winning and losing points based on class results and rule violations.

Harry Potter house quiz will suggest one of the four classical elements: Fire (Gryffindor), Earth (Hufflepuff), Air (Ravenclaw), and Water (Slytherin). Each of these also represents one of the four states of matter: Plasma (Fire, Gryffindor), Gas (Air, Ravenclaw), Liquid (Water, Slytherin), and Solid (Earth, Hufflepuff).

The Hogwarts house quiz warming up a little

The four founders picked students for their houses in the early days of the school. But after that, Godric Gryffindor took off his hat, and they each applied expertise to it, enabling the Sorting Hat to choose the students by judging their attributes and putting them in the most suitable house.

Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry, and its mascot is the lion, with scarlet red and gold color.

Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. The house mascots are the badger and canary, which are yellow and black.

Ravenclaw values intelligence, learning, wisdom, and wit. Its mascot is the eagle, and its colors are blue and bronze.

And the last house, Slytherin, values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and its colors are green and silver.

The sorting hat quiz might help a little!

But how does Sorting hat work? As you already know, Each house has unique features that define it, and the sorting hat test puts you in one of these categories by asking a few personality questions. Don’t get so confused! This Harry Potter house quiz has very simple questions.

  • How often do you push yourself very hard when trying to achieve a goal?
  • Do you tend to exploit others towards your end?
  • Do you think you are entitled to more respect than the average person?
  • How passionate are you about facing your fears?
  • How would you react if anyone picked on you and your friend?
  • Do you see yourself as sympathetic and warm? Or disorganized, careless? Or a critical person?

The main goal of the sorting hat test is to show which side of your personality is more robust. If you have Gryffindor and Slytherin characteristics, but you care more about being courageous than optimistic, it will suggest Gryffindor. If you’re smart and loyal, but you’re more concerned with intellect, it will suggest Ravenclaw. If you still don’t know which side you are, you’ll find out at the end of the Harry Potter house quiz, so stay tuned!

What Harry Potter house am I?

Do you want to know the answer? This Harry Potter house test will help you with that! But before choosing any sides, The thing that you would like to know about the four houses is that even though Gryffindor is the most famous house in Hogwarts, Hufflepuff is the best one!

And if you like to know the worst of all, yeah, that is Slytherin. Like any other house, they have their evil traits, but their worst feature is that it’s very hard to know who to trust.

Pottermore quiz, only for superfans!

As you might know, Wizarding World, previously known as Pottermore, is the official Harry Potter website of Warner Brothers as part of the Wizarding World franchise.

In this case, Today, we bring you a special test for Hogwarts houses. Here’s a little Pottermore test that we hope you’ll enjoy. Don’t forget to answer the questions honestly.

  • What would you want to be remembered as good, bold, great, or wise?
  • What would you not want to be remembered as Selfish, Ordinary, or cowardly?
  • Imagine that Hogwarts is burning down, and there are three essential items you need to save, but they’re in different places. There are student documents, a dragon pox remedy, and a Merlin book. In which order will you save the items? Think carefully.
  • You notice one of your classmates has a cheat sheet and uses it during the exam. After the exam, Professor Flitwick confronts you and asks whether your friend has cheated. How are you responding?

The Harry Potter test is only for real fans

Do you think you can win this Harry Potter quiz? If you read all of that in your head with a British accent, then you will!! So everybody, Wands up! Start this test and find out which house is the best match for you.

Don’t forget to share this quiz with your friends and ensure they’re all caught up!! Have fun, but remember what Albus Dumbledore said, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”!


  1. To be honest, I was expecting Hufflepuff, but I was sorted in Gryffindor. I like both of them but I think Hufflepuff is the best 😉👌


  2. Interesting, I love this quiz. It is a little different from Pottermore but I think it is still reliable


  3. some of the questions did in some way managed to surprise me . over all this was amusing 😀


  4. Wow, interesting that I belong to Goodrick Gryffindor and I really have all the features mentioned.


  5. The quiz was interesting. It increased my knowledge of homes


  6. I love Gryffindo. I was sorted in this house ✌


  7. Is question number 4 related to the sorting? What is the relation between the sorted house and my walls?


  8. wow ! i did not expect Gryffindor !!!! yeay


    • I am hufflepuff, I know that because every quiz I have ever taken told me I was hufflepuff and everyone says I am one.


  9. Gryffindor I am Ravenclaw but Gryffindor is my second house.


  10. I got Ravenclaw! The most accurate quiz


    • Joselyn

      March 23, 2023

      I know what you mean I taken this quiz as few times and I love to be in Ravenclaw too more than anything


  11. I got Grifendor I shod be in Ravenclaw lest accurate quiz I have done.


  12. I am a Gryffindor. The quiz said that I’m a good friend and have a good sense of right and wrong. I’m proud to say that’s true. I was honestly kind of hoping I wouldn’t get Ravenclaw. It’s a good house, but my friend says I would definitely be in Ravenclaw because I’m smart. I enjoy being known as smart and all that but…..I wanted to be more to someone than the smart nerd. I’m proud to be a Gryffindor!!


  13. Gryffindor is totally the best house.


  14. cassidie

    October 25, 2021

    i like the quiz alot so it was fun


  15. Hi always hufflepuff cool I love Harry Potter have a nice day


  16. I am Sytherin buy the sorted me into gifindor even after I did the test 2 times and gave evil answers.my father will hear about this (that was a joke but the first part wasn’t)


  17. Jasvir Singh

    August 10, 2023

    Step aside, Sorting Hat! This Harry Potter House Quiz is a masterpiece of personality decoding. With its intricate questions and uncanny insights, it delves into the depths of our souls and places us in our true Hogwarts homes. A hundred applause for this ingenious creation! 🏰🔮



    September 27, 2023



  19. JanetX

    May 26, 2024

    It can predict my personality! I got Hufflepuff 🙌

    You have to be in the Hufflepuff house because you are a patient person and you work hard to achieve your dreams. You have a great team spirit and you support your friends with everything. You have also a down-to-earth personality, so you always take a stand against injustice.


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