What is God Complex?
A god complex is a psychological condition in which individuals hold a delusional belief that they are omnipotent, omniscient, and entitled to special privileges. A person with a god complex may also believe they possess unique beauty and can do no wrong.
The God Complex Test Explained
It is a psychological self-report questionnaire determining people with a Superiority Complex. The test is based on Alfred Adler’s book Understanding Human Nature: The Psychology of Personality. And the goal is to expose your inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.
How Is It Related to the Narcissistic Test?
The Superiority Complex test and the Narcissist test both reveal if you toxically feel entitled. However, the latter is based on the DSM-5 guidelines. But Adler’s work inspires the former.
Signs You Have a God Complex
Like other mental conditions, toxic superiority has few diagnosable symptoms. In general, one with the following four red flags is likely to play God and become excessively arrogant.
Just like a narcissist, one with God Complex believes to be the most important person alive. Such a person would never accept their incapability regardless of all the evidence.
One with a God Complex feels permitted to control others’ decisions and lives in general. Their sense of superiority makes them eligible to command people regardless of their status.
Need for Admiration
Another symptom is endlessly seeking validation. Since the Superiority Complex roots in inferiority, the person relies on others’ positive opinions to function. Like Hypersensitive People, they cannot handle any critics and feel broken inside when facing negative comments.
Lack of Empathy
The God Complex test also looks for signs of emotional numbness. Narcissists are unable to empathize with others. So, their close ones might even go through emotional abuse.
Other COMPLEXES the Test Reveals!
The big question here is, “Do you have a Superiority Complex?” However, the test examines the possibilities for other similar conditions, too. Here is a list of personality disorders the quiz exposes through its twenty psychological questions.
It is the opposite of the God Complex. One with this condition has an abnormal mindset of weakness, dependency, and lowliness. However, one might use Narcissism as a coping mechanism for such unpleasant emotions. So, while the person might feel inferior inside, they might pretend to be superior on the outside.
The God Complex test also reveals if you have a Christ Complex. It is a condition where the patient feels obligated or eligible to save others. Although it seems innocent, the savior personality disorder does more harm than good. It makes the person feel grander than others, leading to other types of narcissistic behaviors.
Also known as delusions of grandeur, Jehovah is a magnolia-oriented complex. People with this condition feel greater than everyone else in a particular group or community. The test on this page analyzes self-reflection to reveal if you have it.
Playing God
Taking the God Complex test reveals if you act like a deity. Some people feel eligible for God-like behaviors, such as deciding who gets to live or what is right or wrong. It is slightly different from the Superiority Complex because the desire to play a supernatural being may root in the misappropriation of power.
Keep These in Mind Before Taking the Quiz
The God Complex test is one way to spot your toxic traits or self-reflections. However, labeling one with personality disorders is tricky. So, here are several things to know to help you understand the quiz results better.
Everyone has a bit of a God Complex.
Humans strive for superiority by nature. In its healthy state, such a strive only drives the person to accomplish tasks. So, we all have a reasonable amount of Narcissism. You do not have a God Complex just because you try to do your best when doing your job. It is a matter of becoming a toxic person rather than a perfectionist.
Striving for superiority is okay, but there is a catch.
Sometimes, you focus on certain accomplishments in life to forget about the rest. Feeling inferior might lead you to overcompensate, covering your incapable self with particular achievement(s). That is when your complex might turn unhealthy and damaging.
Being a God roots in misery.
Feeling grander than others is a compensation technique to forget about your inferior self. While a narcissist may seem to have high levels of self-love, their condition comes from lack of it. So, having such disorders is not a sign of grandiosity but the opposite.
Is the God Complex Test Based on the DSM-5 Guidelines?
No. the Superiority Complex is not a clinical condition. So, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not offer any diagnostic guidelines. The medical term for such characteristics is Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
The God Complex Test is not a medical diagnosis tool. Only a trained professional (e.g., a psychologist or therapist) can spot mental illnesses or conditions. Please take the results lightly.