Emotional Abuse Test Explained
Abuse is a pattern of behavior used by someone to gain and maintain power over another. Emotional abuse interrogation is a set of questions that identifies if you have been a target of manipulative treatments or not. The test inspects how others treat you to spot possible violence or exploitation.
This abuse quiz is based on NNEDV guidelines.
The National Network to End Domestic Violence is an organization aiming to stop emotional and physical abuse. The NNEDV provides citizens with resources to clarify the definitions, types, and extents of violence against women and children. And the emotional abuse test works regarding the said resources. According to the organization, domestic violence has five different types: physical, verbal, sexual, digital, and financial. Our quiz uses the same category (except for physical and sexual manipulation, which does not need a quiz).
The results are categorized into five emotional abuse types.
We added mental abuse to the category of NNEDV. So, the results of the abuse quiz are as follows.
#1: Verbal. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, verbal abuse is “An attempt to control a partner through the manipulation of their self-esteem, sense of personal security, or relationships with others. The first part of the emotional manipulation test focuses on such behaviors.
#2: Mental. Making someone doubt their sanity or constantly lying to them is a sort of psychological violence. The second part of the emotional abuse test looks for signs of any exploitation regarding your mental health.
#3: Financial. Sometimes, money is an excellent tool for an abusive partner or parent to control you. In most cases, the manipulative person tries to make you a financially dependent person. That is because dependency makes it easier to have power over others. One of the methods an abuser uses to achieve such goals is to stop you from working. The third part of the emotional abuse interrogation is all about your economic status and how it is affected by others.
#4: Cultural. It is a relatively new topic. But cultural violence is real. Some might use your ethnicity, language, or beliefs to control you. Racial slurs, talking down on your people, or verbal attacks on your culture are all included in this category.
#5: Digital. According to the NNEDV, “This is a form of emotional abuse that uses technology or social media to intimidate, harass, bully, stalk, or threaten a current or ex-partner. So, checking your cell phone, demanding your passwords, cyber-bullying, or even sexting with no consent are all sorts of manipulative behavior.
Note: The emotional abuse test has two other results as well. You might be the abuser yourself. Or it might be that you are undergoing a hard time in your life, and no one is mainly manipulating you.
8 Red Flags That the Emotional Abuse Test Looks for
Some domestic violence victims learn to ignore and hide the actions of the abuser in their lives. That is entirely understandable. And no one should blame them for such decisions—because it is either unintentional or out of misery.
However, the emotional abuse test helps you look for the red flags and warning signs. All you have to do is answer our simple questions about your feelings and relationships.
(1) Excessive Control
An exploiting person tries to keep you under surveillance. So, they use every tool possible to control you. Digital abuse is one of the ways such a person might employ to gain power over you.
(2) Humiliation
If you feel worthless, it is much easier to manipulate you. People with low self-esteem tend to believe that they do not deserve to be treated well or loved. That is why abusers use humiliation to destroy your confidence.
(3) Guilt Trips
One of the red flags of emotional abuse is making you feel guilty. A manipulative person might suggest that you do not love them—otherwise, you would not get mad at them. For instance, you may want to break up with your partner because they call you names and humiliate you. But they would impose that you are childish and you take the jokes seriously. That is a guilt trip, so you forget about their bad manner and end up thinking about your own mistakes.
(4) Blaming and Shaming
The emotional abuse test included questions that reveal how much you feel blamed for others’ actions. Most toxic people blame their mistakes on their victims. For instance, if they hit you, it is your fault—because you made them mad! Or if they cheat on you, it is because you cannot understand their feelings. It always has something to do with you, and you have to be ashamed of yourself. That is what an abusive person tries to impose on you.
(5) Ultimatums
Being in a toxic relationship is full of ultimatums. You have to get along with unwanted things. Otherwise, your partner would make your life harder—through threats, physical harm, verbal violence, etc.
(6) Bad Temper
It is quite normal for manipulative people to flip out and become furious. Your feelings do not matter to such persons. So, they act like it is because of their bad temper. And they hold you responsible every time they act like a maniac.
(7) Manipulation and Exploiting
The number of times you do something unwanted is high when you are in a relationship with an abuser. That is because manipulation is one of the primary motives of such people. They do anything to gain power over you and force you to behave/act in the way they desire. And your consent or happiness does not matter to them at all. One of the emotional abuse quiz goals is to expose if you are an exploitation victim or not.
(8) Insecurity
Insecure individuals find it difficult to leave their toxic partners. That is because they are afraid of loneliness. And they believe no one else would ever love them. So, a manipulative person uses that against you to keep you under control. It would help them misuse you if you believed that you don’t deserve love.
Questions That the Emotional Abuse Test Answers
Am I in a toxic relationship?
Taking the emotional abuse interrogation reveals if your romantic relationship is toxic.
Is my partner abusive?
The test results say if your lover, spouse, or partner is manipulative or not.
Am I abusive?
It also clarifies if you are the manipulator in the relationship.
Am I emotionally abused by my mom or dad?
Kids can take the emotional abuse quiz, too. It lets them know if their parents are exploiting them or not.
Things to Do After Taking the Emotional Abuse Test
If the quiz results indicate that someone is abusing you, here is what to do. First of all, do not forget that no one has the right to treat you this way—no matter how close they are to you. Second, do not forget that there are people out there who can help you. So, it is best to ask for professional help.
In the United States, several organizations have hotlines dedicated to domestic violence. Below, you can find phone numbers and websites that provide you with instant help if you are a victim of emotional or physical abuse.
National Child Abuse Hotline (the US and Canada): 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)
National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)
TTY: 800-787-3224
Video Phone for Deaf Callers: 206-518-9361
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)
TTY: 800-799-4TTY (800-799-4889)
Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741741 (the US and Canada) or 85258 (UK)
National Runaway Switchboard: 800-RUNAWAY (800-786-2929)