1 of 20
How often do you feel like one of your close friends has lied to you?
  • a

    Rarely or never

  • b

    All the time

  • c

    I only have that feeling about my partner

  • d

    I usually feel like I deserve to be lied to


Question 1: How often do you feel like one of your close friends has lied to you?

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Have you been self-questioning, do I have trust issues? This psychological quiz analyzes your behaviors and feelings to see if they’re valid or you have issues.

A Psychological Quiz to Analyze Your Trust Issues

We all have moments where we question our relationships and fear the future. But that doesn’t give us trust issues. Doubting the authenticity of a connection is perfectly normal. But when do you realize that you’re crossing the lines and giving others a hard time because of your distrust? That’s what the quiz on this page tries to answer.

It’s designed for people who ask, ‘Do I have trues issues?’ And it’s a set of 20 behavioral and psychological questions to expose your problems. The test distinguishes between healthy and toxic suspicion in a romantic or social relationship. Plus, it provides you with a detailed analysis of the issue.

First, What’s a Trust Issue, and How It Differs from the Fear of Abandonment?

A trust issue is a fear of betraying and lying—especially in romantic relationships. It might also evoke other anxieties, such as fear of abandonment. But the difference between trust and abandonment issues is that the latter is rooted in fear of being inadequate, while the former is a general distrust in the others’ intentions.

How the Quiz Exposes Your Distrust

The test is a self-report process that looks for any trust issue signs. To do so, it has three different segments, each focusing on a particular aspect of distrust problems: Relationships, feelings, and experiences.

It analyzes your relationships.

The quiz begins with analytical questions about your love life and friendships. People with trust issues often find it easier to have faith in their families. But it’s almost always a struggle to believe in others. That’s why the test considers the details of your relationships with non-family individuals to finetune the results. It also guarantees an answer to those who might be wondering, “Am I the problem in my relationship?”

It looks into your emotion, thoughts, and experiences.

What feelings are evoked in your mind when you ask questions like, “Do I have trust issues?” The quiz reviews your thought process to understand the actual problems (if there are any).

It reviews your childhood memories.

Trust issues often start in early childhood when parents create a fear of betrayal. So, the test tries to uncover any clues from your memories that can help create better results.

How to Know if You Have Trust Issues without a Quiz

There’s not a definite answer when one asks, “Do I have trust issues in relationships?” That’s because faith has a rather arbitrary definition in each human affair. Some might describe it as a blindfolded belief in your partner or friend. Others may see it as a logical decision as long as the other person is not acting suspiciously. And that’s why it’s challenging to identify excessive distrust.

However, you can still assess yourself if you look for the right red flags. Here are signs that indicate you have trust issues.

#1. You assume that people will let you down.

The thing is that your distrust causes fake scenarios in your mind. So, you constantly think about the probability of being betrayed by people you love. Although it seems like you trust your partners or friends, it’s just a shallow belief. Inside, you’re prepared to be backstabbed at any time despite seeing no real sign.

#2. You constantly feel like you’ve been lied to.

Many individuals who ask, “Do I have trust issues?” and look for a quiz tend to snoop on people. That’s because they assume the worst-case scenario and feel like everyone’s lying. Such behavior could be frustrating for both parties in a relationship. And it’s often the main reason why couples break up and split ways.

#3. You tend to overthink every detail in your relationships.

Random overthinking about small things is acceptable. But people with trust issues can’t get things out of their heads no matter what. They create scenarios, revisit their memories, and create unsolvable mental puzzles. It’s sometimes like they’re living in a conspiracy theory.

#4. You don’t share your emotions and thoughts.

Another sign of trust issues is being overly private. Imagine you feel like everyone around you is a potential betrayer. Would you still be willing to share your secrets or get intimate with them? Of course not. That’s how individuals with excessive distrust see life—and that’s why they hide their true emotions.

#5. You’re afraid of commitment.

Trust is the foundation of relationships. Without it, you cannot commit to anyone as it would sound irrational. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life with a person who can betray you and cheat on you at any given moment? That’s how a person with trust issues evaluates commitment and, therefore, fears it.

What If the Trust Issue Quiz Result Was Positive?

Your big question is, “Do I have trust issues?” But what should you do if the answer was yes? Here are some expert pieces of advice that can help you change for the better and deal with your problems.

Ask yourself how real your assumptions are.

Most of the time, people with trust issues create fake scenarios that are not connected with reality. So, you should reevaluate your thoughts before accepting them as facts. If you’ve never seen your partner doing something suspicious, then why keep snooping on them?

Practice non-defensive communication.

In your head, you might be communicating with potential betrayers and liars all the time. And that makes you defensive towards most people. If you want to work on your trust issues, you should practice non-defensive conversations to allow others to explain their actions and emotions.

Talk about your needs and ask directly.

You should show your vulnerabilities to others if you want to stop asking, “Do I have trust issues?” It’s crucial to talk about your needs, express your worries, and ask for help to build mutual trust. That allows your partners and friends to do the same thing and show you their genuine intentions and emotions.

Stop catastrophizing the events.

Overthinking and creating fake scenarios lead to exaggerated views on casual happenings. So, you should snap back to reality every time your thoughts take you to a catastrophized version of reality.

Take the Trust Issue Quiz for a Fair Analysis

You now know what signs and red flags you should be looking for. But that doesn’t make it easier to answer the big question: Do I have trust issues? We recommend taking our self-assessment quiz for a solid and reliable result, though. It determines your possible issues based on your self-report.


The quiz is designed for individuals who want to know if they have trust issues or not. You should not use the test result against your partner or anyone else. The results are not meant to label you.