How to Know if You Have an Eating Disorder
You DO have an eating disorder if your BMI is equal to or below 18.5, you purge yourself after eating, or you excessively eat in one sitting. Other signs of having such a mental illness are fasting, skipping meals, smoking, vomiting, or taking laxatives to control your weight.
A 4-in-1 Eating Disorder Quiz
The test on this page is a self-report questionary to reveal if you have anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder. It uses the DSM-5 guidelines to uncover any food- or body-obsession-related mental illnesses. The results include the three primary ED types as well as BDD issues.
What Does the Test Reveal?
You receive the following information by taking the test.
· Possibility of Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia refers to having a restrictive or avoidant diet that causes extreme weight loss and a low BMI score. A person with this condition is often obsessed with reducing their weight. And it is considered the deadliest diet-related mental illness. That is because the patient might die due to being underweight.
Note: the said condition is entirely different from picky eating.
· Signs of Bulimia
The Eating Disorder Quiz also exposes the probability of having bulimia. It is a condition where the patient forces themselves to lose the calories they gained. However, a person with this illness uses unhealthy methods, such as forced vomiting, taking pills, or a risky workout routine to do so.
· The likeliness of having a Binge-Eating Disorder
The DSM-5 describes it as significant food consumption when feeling stressed, disgusted, guilty, or other intense emotions. However, this condition does not include any purging or other abnormal ways of weight loss.
· The intensity of Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Sometimes, an ED might lead to BDD. It is the state of being obsessed with the physical flaws of your body—either minor or imaginary. People who have BDD might groom too much, go under cosmetic surgery, feel anxious and depressed, and socially isolate themselves.
Symptoms of a Diet-Related Disorder
Several signs trigger questions like, “Do I have an eating disorder?” Below, you find a list of symptoms that you should not ignore.
- Slow heartbeat.
- Loss of bone density.
- Muscle weakness.
- Hair loss.
- Severe dehydration.
- Low body mass index.
- Tooth decay.
- Irregular heartbeat.
- Irregular bowel movement.
Things to Know Before Taking the Eating Disorder Quiz
There are lots of misconceptions around the topic.
#1: Anorexia is not all about looking perfect.
Some think people restrict their food consumption to make themselves look better. But that is not the case for every patient. Other forms of anorexia include religious or even sexual abuse-related attempts. And the person might fast to make themselves look uglier.
#2: It is not a female-exclusive issue.
Although food disorders are more common among women, they are not exclusive. Studies show that nearly 10 million men struggle with this condition. And more men are asking questions like, “Do I have an eating disorder?”
#3: It can be deadly.
1-2% of Americans are diagnosed with anorexia. It is known as one of the deadliest psychological illnesses. That is because the person might directly die due to a lack of nutrition.
What Might Cause an Eating Disorder?
It is not 100% clear why some face ARFID or other comparable conditions. However, the following factors are proven to be highly effective on the individual’s diet and food habits.
Environmental factors
Your surroundings form your personality and behaviors. For instance, going through traumas or social distress might negatively affect your perception of your body and lead to a mental disorder.
It is believed that kids whose parents have eating disorders are more likely to undergo the same issues.
Dopamine levels
For some, eating is a way of increasing their dopamine. So, it becomes an addiction-like habit. Such behavior is the main reason why people do binge-eating when facing a distressful situation.
How can the Eating Disorder Test Help You?
Wondering, “Which eating disorder do I have?” or things like that can add to your stress level. Taking a test allows you to understand your situation better. Plus, it might reveal hidden issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible. After taking the quiz, you can consult a nutritionist or a trained medic and discuss the results with them.
The Eating Disorder Quiz is based on the DSM-5 guidelines. However, it does not provide you with a diagnosis. A psychologist, medic, or professional nutritionist are the only qualified people to diagnose you with such issues.