14 of 20
What is your diet like?
  • a

    I eat lots of sugary food

  • b

    I eat lots of fast-food

  • c

    I'm trying to eat healthily

  • d

    I eat lots of vegetables


Question 14: What is your diet like?

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A diabetes quiz can assess the risk of having high blood sugar. People who ask, “Do I have diabetes?” can benefit from the detailed results.

An Accurate 20-Factor Diabetes Quiz

The quiz assesses all diabetes symptoms through 20 questions to find out if you have any glucose-related disorder.

Note that some signs of having DM are similar to other illnesses and disorders. For instance, you might want to take a Dehydration Test to exclude other possibilities.

Here is everything you learn by taking the blood sugar quiz on this page.

Diabetes Type Detector

The goal of the self-report questionary is to confirm if you have Type 1, Type 2, or other forms of DM. The results, obviously, are not as accurate as blood and urine tests. However, they give you an idea of how healthy your insulin level seems to be.

Type 1

Of each 100 participants with diabetes, 10% find out that they have Type 1 by the end of the test. It is a bit challenging to diagnose one with this disorder. That is because it tends to remain hidden and silent in the body for a long time.

The diabetes quiz does its best to consider the smallest details of your responses to come up with a reliable result.

Type 2

Unlike Type 1, which happens for no known reason, Type 2 can be related to obesity and lifestyle. The diabetes quiz inspects your diet and bad habits (if there are any) to decide if they make you prone to Type 2 DM or not.


GDM occurs when a woman without diabetes exhibits hyperglycemia during pregnancy. So, it is a condition that concerns explicitly prospect moms.

We designed the quiz so that pregnant women can assess their health condition, too. But keep in mind that DM during gestation should not be ignored. So, regardless of the results, consult your doctor and let them know what your concerns are.

Risk Test

Certain conditions increase the risk of having diabetes. The test gives you a risk analysis, determining how likely is it that you have blood sugar-related problems.

Type 1 Young adults and children with one or two parents with Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 Over 40 or over 25 African-Caribbean, Black African, or South Asian


Can a Quiz Reveal if You Have Diabetes?

Yes, you can assess the chances of having diabetes by taking an online quiz. But keep in mind that the only medically acceptable tests are done in a clinical environment by analyzing your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Generally, you might have DM if your glucose is higher than 126 mg/dL. And that is something no online questionary could detect.

But it is good to take a self-assessment type of quiz (like the one on this page) to see how in danger you are.

How Does It Work?

The diabetes quiz has four stages of determining who has blood sugar disorders. See below.

Step #1: Looking for symptoms

We start the examination by searching for the red flags. The key symptoms we look for are frequent urination, dehydration and feeling thirsty, constantly feeling tired, losing weight, problems with vision, and difficulties healing from cuts and infections.

Step #2: Analyzing your lifestyle

Diabetes Mellitus happens when the insulin in your blood is low or malfunctioning. And it is not necessarily tied to your lifestyle choices or diet. But studies suggest that such factors play a role in developing a Type 2 DM.

The quiz, therefore, has some food- and daily routine-oriented questions to finetune the results.

Step #3: Checking your family history

Genetics plays a significant role in determining a person with diabetes. That is why the quiz includes a dedicated section to inspect your mother and father’s conditions and disorders.

Things to Know About the Diabetes Quiz Results

Our questionary is as accurate and realistic as possible. However, you should only rely on a clinical test’s result such as FBG (Fasting Blood Glucose), Hemoglobin A1C, and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. Use online quizzes like ours to have a quick self-assessment—and do not forget that the results are not diagnostic.

You Should Not Panic

Even if the diabetes test says you might have Type 1 or 2, there is nothing to worry about. DM is a controllable disorder. All you need to do is make sure you eat healthily, remain active, lose weight (if you are overweight), and take your medications.

Consult a Doctor Immediately

Blood sugar problems can lead to complications such as heart disease, and eye, vision, feet, and kidney problems. So, it is crucial to see a doctor as soon as you face the initial symptoms.

The thing is that Type 2 diabetes is a slow metabolic disorder. So, it may take up to ten years to show its presence in your body. The best thing to do is identify if you are a high-risk person and be tested regularly to diagnose it as soon as possible.


The diabetes quiz does NOT provide you with a clinical diagnosis. Only a blood or urine test can reveal if you have a metabolic disorder or not. So, please, take the results lightly and consult your doctor if you think you are at risk of having DM.