1 of 20
Which one describes a perfect partner?
  • a

    Nice and responsible

  • b

    Romantic and enthusiastic

  • c

    Perfect and successful

  • d

    I don't know

  • e

    Innocent and cute

  • f

    Sexy and attractive


Question 1: Which one describes a perfect partner?

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This amazing dating quiz is going to reveal your dating personality & style with 20 simple questions. Are you the charmer, romanticizer, protector, or else?

A Scientifically Accurate Dating Quiz Based on Logan Ury’s Book

The author of How to Not Die Alone, Logan Ury, is also the director of relationship science at Hinge—a dating app. He divides people into different categories called dating personalities, believing that you could predict their relationship patterns based on that. The dating test uses his method to analyze your persona and expose your true type.

The test outcome can also reveal how your taste is in men and women. But the primary goal is to understand your love life better and discover the why behind your decisions.

Find out what your dating personality is.

“As a dating coach, I find many people suffer from dating blind spots, patterns of behavior, or ways of thinking that hold them back,” said Logan Ury in an interview with the Greater Good Magazine. Knowing your type can actually help you improve your relationships by shedding light on the blind spots.

Let’s say you’re a protector. Without knowing that about yourself, you might end up picking needy and aloof partners—because they’re the perfect candidates for being protected. But when you know that information about your dating personality, you become a pickier person and dodge the bullet of having a parent-child relationship with your partner.

Analyze your dating style and its effects on your love life.

You may be like, “What is my dating style?” And the good news is that our quiz can expose that as well. In fact, your personality determines your style. For instance, a romanticizer would exaggerate everything about the dating process. Expensive places, spontaneous decisions, dreaming about a happy-ever-after life, fantasizing about their date unrealistically. That’s while the dating style of a hesitator might be the exact opposite. The quiz helps you figure out your style and how it shapes your love life without you even noticing. It’s not like a compatibility test where you get your romantic relationship scored. But it can definitely offer valuable insights into your decisions and experiences.

Receive some expert-level customized dating advice.

The good thing about the dating quiz is that it won’t leave you alone with a bunch of analytical pieces of information. Your results include specific directions and tips on how to improve your dating life based on your personality and style. We use the data provided by relationship coaches like Francesca Hogi and Logan Ury to ensure the test outcome is practical and helpful.

How to Discover Your Dating Personality

The big question is, “What is your dating personality?” And the test guides you through finding the proper answer to that. But if you’re not a fan of personality quizzes, here’s what you can do. Follow the 3-step guide down below to see what type of style and dating type you fit into.

Look for patterns in your relationships.

You need to search for reoccurring stuff. For example, if you usually end up dating guys who treat you poorly, your dating personality might be the martyr—who’s the person who can’t say no to toxic relationships. If you cannot see any patterns and everything is mixed, you might be a charmer. A person who cannot understand the idea of monogamy has too many short-term random relationships and attracts others easily.

Evaluate your expectations from a partner.

It’s vital to know your expectations when answering things like, “What’s your dating personality?” A protector, for example, doesn’t have any high expectations. That usually leads them to date, codependent people. That’s while a maximizer might have too high and unrealistic expectations that actually make it impossible for them to date anyone at all.

Review your goals and intentions.

Why are you looking for a romantic partner? That’s a crucial question to ask yourself if you want to discover your dating personality. Here’s an example; a charmer might only want to have fun and enjoy the sexual benefits. On the other hand, a romanticizer might be like, “Will I ever find love?” and eagerly look for THE ONE.

The 6 Types of Dating Personalities

You probably have one of the following dating personalities.

#1. The Romanticizer.

Thinks love is easy, but you have to find the perfect partner and give up on relationships quickly.

#2. The Maximizer.

Has unrealistic expectations of a partner and is always looking for better opportunities.

#3. The Hesitator.

Has low self-confidence and never feels ready to date or start a relationship.

#4. The Nurturer/Protector.

Always ends updating dependent and needy people.

#5. The Martyr.

Cannot say no to a new relationship and dates people that choose them.

#6. The Charmer.

Dates many people for short periods and is against monogamy.

What’s the Point of Taking a Dating Quiz?

Asking a question like, “What is my dating personality?” can change your love life significantly. Most people have blind spots that are affecting their relationships negatively. One of the perks of taking the quiz is figuring out what these hidden secrets are and how to deal with them effectively.

It helps you understand your love life better.

The dating quiz can expose the WHY behind most of your past decisions. Don’t you want to know why your exes are so similar—or maybe completely diverse? Your experiences, mindsets, and opinions on love allow us to break down your relationships and offer you valuable information you can’t find anywhere else.

The results can actually improve your dating life.

As a dating quiz for couples and singles, the questionnaire can open your eyes. You can use the tips and advice to filter your future dates or reflect on the previous ones.

You can use it to self-reflect.

It’s always beneficial to know what type of person you are. The dating quiz analyzes your romance life to reverse engineer and analyze your true self. You can use it to review your thoughts, opinions, and decisions.


QuizExpo is not associated with any individuals or organizations mentioned on the Dating Quiz. The test is created independently—inspired by the mentioned works and people. Please, contact us for any copyright concerns.