5 of 20
Choose a TV show that you would like to watch (or have watched).
  • a

    Gossip Girls

  • b

    Sex and the City

  • c

    Sons of Anarchy

  • d


  • e

    Little Big Lies

  • f

    Orange Is the New Black


Question 5: Choose a TV show that you would like to watch (or have watched).

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This style quiz reveals your personal style. Find out the answer to “what is my style aesthetic?” by this simple 2023 optimized personality & fashion test.

Style Quiz Explained for the Beginners

A style quiz or fashion test is a set of questions about your body and personality to discover your style. The goal is not to reveal your current clothing taste. Instead, the aesthetic style quiz identifies what type of outfits and wear that suit you.

You might see many fashion types trending these days. And that makes it hard to choose your personal favorite. But the style quiz helps you figure out which of the designs matches your physic and character.

The test includes the following trending topics:

  • Chic
  • Casual
  • Rocker Look
  • Boho
  • Vintage
  • Artistic Fashion
  • Tomboy
  • Preppy

Things That the Test Tells You

The style quiz assesses your physical features as well as personality traits. And as the outcome, it reveals the following stuff.

The relationship between your personality and style.

We created a style personality quiz. It means the results are based on who you are and what you should wear. A good idea in designing your look is to include a piece of your character in your dresses. The questionary on this page reflects your characteristics and bolds them in the results.

Things that would look good on you.

Looking for a style quiz indicates that you might need some fashion tips. That is why our test results include some valuable pieces of advice from the most famous designers and stylists.

Things to Do Before Taking the Style Quiz

Understandably, you want to jump to the results. But taking the style test is much more accurate when you do these two things in advance.

Find Your Aesthetic

Questions like “What is my aesthetic?” come before “What is my style?”. We have a complete 20-question to lend a hand with finding your aesthetic before looking for your fashion type.

Discover Your Body Type

Dearly Bethany, a designer & artist, says, “You should identify your body type to choose the right dress.” That is a must. Now, the style quiz asks about your physical shape. And if you have no idea what your body type is, the result might get negatively affected.

So, take your time and review the following table to figure that out in advance. Or you can try this body type quiz.

Body Type Description
Pear Hip wider than bust and waist
Apple The waistline is not clear
Rectangular Little or no waistline
Inverted Triangle Most weight is in the bust area
Hourglass Hips and busts are the same but the waist is smaller


4 Reasons Why You Need a Style Quiz

It is not always because you do not know what fashion type suits you. Sometimes, you are confused about your wardrobe because of other reasons. Here is why you might need a style quiz even though you are something of a stylist yourself.

You Are Confused About Fashion Trends

Things in the fashion industry change every year. And it is not easy to keep up. So, it might be the ever-changing nature of this sector that got you confused. Taking the style quiz is one way to see if your personality, desire, and taste still matches the trends or you are going old-fashioned.

You Are Trying to Fit in a Box

Many people force themselves to fit into a specific category of wearing styles. Such restrictions make do more harm than good. Taking the style quiz or test allows you to think outside the box and see if other options fit you.

You Are Imitating Instead of Learning

A huge part of discovering your style is finding people you could imitate. But exaggerating copying others can decrease your creativity. Taking a fashion test can shake you up and remind you of your standards.

You Are Adding Too Many Stuff to Your Closet

Enhancing your clothing techniques is not all about buying the finest pieces on the market. Most of the time, adding more stuff to your wardrobe is the reason why you cannot find your style. But taking the 2021 fashion quiz would give you a heads up and get you back on track.

This Is a Comprehensive Style Quiz

Unlike most online questionaries, the style quiz on QuizExpo is 100% inclusive. We analyzed the trends in all aspects of the fashion industry, including men’s and women’s wear, to create this test. Answering the 20 questions on this quiz is all you need to find out your best style.

Find Your Dreamy Style in 7 Steps (According to Experts)

If you do not trust our style quiz, that is fine; here is another idea. According to Dearly Bethany, you can identify your fashion type through the following steps.

Step #1: Document your outfits

First of all, you should know what you are already wearing. So, it is best to take a picture of your outfits for a certain period (e.g., 1 month). Then analyze those images, trying to figure out what is your go-to style.

Step #2: Stick to a color scheme

As Dearly emphasizes, anything more than five is not okay when it comes to color schemes. So, based on your pictures and wardrobe, eliminate off-the-scheme colors and stick to your top five hues.

Step #3: Assess your wardrobe

Now, you have to see what you got! Dearly says, “Get rid of stuff you are never going to wear.” That is one way to discover your true style.

Step #4: Identify your body type

Buying dresses for your body is a form of art. You should know what type of physical shape you have to make better decisions. (Use the body type table above to figure that out).

Step #5: List out your daily activities

It is important to know what kind of places you go to in your daily life. That is because knowing your style is not enough to wear the best dresses. You have to dress up based on the events and places you go to.

Step #6: Define your comfort level

How casual, formal, or stylish would you like to look? Answering such questions helps you discover your fashion style easier.

Step #7: Try different styles

Do not stick to one method or technique. Try new things and see how each fits your lifestyle. Sometimes, a combined style is the best option for you. But you would never know if you didn’t try anything new. For example, you can try the Kitchener essence test, which is based on Kibbe styles.

Or Skip All the Steps and Take the Style Quiz

One of the most convenient ways to decide on your look is by taking an accurate style quiz. If you do not have enough time to follow the said steps, just spend 5 minutes and answer our twenty simple questions. We will tell you what suits you the most based on your body type and personality.