Are You Hateable? 100% Fun &Honest Quiz

If you want to know how hated you might be, take the Am I Hateable Quiz. It assesses your “hateability” with simple questions.

Are You Hateable

“Hateable” is a strong word. And to be honest, the scary thing is that we’re living in a world where you’re more likely to be hated than loved. It feels like you’re always one misstep away from being canceled by some kind of hateful online mob—a gang of internet trolls. But are you actually a hateable person? That’s the question we want to focus on.

If you’re not up for taking a quiz to see how hated you could be, we have a formula you’ll like. We call it the “Dis Formula of Hateability.” Basically, you are likely to be deemed a hateable person if you have three “dis” qualities: Disrespect, Disloyalty, and Dishonesty.

Untrustworthy people who insult others and lie about small things are often the most disliked. So, for a quick hateable-ness analysis, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Do I lie a lot?
  • Do I disrespect others?
  • Do I seem unreliable or devious?

If you’re honest answer to these questions is no, you’re unlikely to be a hated person. But we also know that human emotions are much more complicated than that. You could easily be a nice, honest, and respectful person and still receive unjustified hate from others—and that’s the reality of our world today.

The reason we created the “Am I Hateful Test” is that the lines of ethics are getting blurrier each day. On the one hand, you have trolls who’d hate on others for no reason. On the other hand, you have entitled social media mobsters who would cross all ethical lines and outcry when faced with any criticism, as if no one were allowed to dislike their misbehaviors.

We believe that some people—Hitler, for example—deserve the title of “hateable.” But we also believe that this is a strong label, and you shouldn’t be walking around calling everyone you don’t like a hateable or disgusting person.

If all that sounds too complicated, just take the Hateability Quiz. It reveals if you are a difficult person or if you’re actually a loveable, nice one. We’ve tried to make the questions as fair and objective as possible so that the results are not biased. But you can always let us know in the comments if you don’t agree with them—or find them offensive in some way.

Now, press the start button, and let’s see if you’re a hateable person or not!


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