Some say people fall into four types: fairies, witches, mermaids, and vampires. We support this theory with a personality quiz that assigns individuals to one of these fairytale creatures based on their tangible characteristics.
The Witch, Fairy, Mermaid, Vampire Quiz
This personality test reveals if you are a witch, fairy, mermaid, or vampire based on your traits and thoughts. If you’ve ever wanted to know what kind of mythical creatures match your character, you’re on the right page. In fifteen questions, the WFMV Quiz exposes your fairytale persona.
We’ve also categorized MBTI types into four groups that are the likeliest to be fairies, witches, mermaids, or vampires. (See the table below.)
Mythical Creature | Likeliest MBTIs |
Vampire | ISTP, ESTP, INTP |
Mermaid | ISFJ, INFP, ESFJ, ISFP |
A WFMV Quiz with a Twist: What’s Your Toxic Fairytale Feature
Not only will the quiz reveal your fairy, vampire, witch, or mermaid persona, but it will also identify what toxic trait has made you a better candidate for a specific folklore being. For instance, merfolks are known to be emotional abusers because they can manipulate you into following their orders. Vampires can be coldhearted and ruthless, sucking the blood out of the living with no mercy. Witches, on the other hand, are often labeled as cunning, using unethical approaches to achieve their goals. And fairies are just toxically stubborn and careless.
With the Witch, Fairy, Mermaid, Vampire Quiz, you get to see which toxic traits of these fairytale creatures you have in real life. Are you as manipulative as a mermaid, as numb and emotionally unavailable as a vampire, as cunning as a witch, or as naughty and stubborn as a fairy? Take the test to find out.
By the way, we also suggest you take the CFAK Quiz next. It tells if you are a cowboy, fairy, angel, or knight.