7 of 20
What does TAC stand for in Fortnite Battle Royale?
  • a

    It stands for TACTICS

  • b

    It's a type of a weapon


Question 7: What does TAC stand for in Fortnite Battle Royale?

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This Fortnite quiz is 100% challenging—even to the most veteran players. Less than 30% of gamers can answer all these trivia questions correctly.

Prove You’re a Pro Fortnite

We all know that the world’s highest-ranked Fortnite player got there via opening chests. So, being a pro is not only about your level or XP. Real professionals are the ones that know what they’re doing. And scoring high on the Fortnite quiz 2020 proves you’re one of them. So, let your knowledge and experience speak for you.

How Fortnite Quiz Works?

The Fortnite Trivia quiz contains 20 questions about the game. The questions reveal your skills, familiarity with the items/terms, etc. By the end of the Fortnite knowledge test, you’ll get a score. The number is on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher you score, the more you know about the game.

  • The questions will challenge you:

The questions of our 2020 FNBR test expose the real experts. You should be well-informed about the guns, map, items, phrases, updates, tactics, and all the game details. Otherwise, you can never score 100.

  • The results will (hopefully) satisfy you:

You can read the guide on what the results mean at the end of this post. However, the most straightforward explanation is, “the more you score, the better you are.” A number between 90-100 on the result is an excellent trophy. That’s because few people see that after taking the Fortnite quiz.

  • But watch for the confusing answers:

Heads up! Not all the answers are straightforward. Some of the queries on our Fortnite quiz are deceiving. Of course, that’s only done to add more fun. But you have to be careful, anyway. Think twice before picking an option—because there are no Reboot Vans around!

Note: actually, there is a sort of reboot card to help you. If you’re not happy with the results, reset the quiz. You can try our Fortnite quiz as many times as you wish.

Fortnite Quiz is the Next Battle Royale (This is Why)

QuizExpo test is a fun way to compete with your squad. The results are an original way of showing off your FNBR skills.

  1. Take the Quizzes

We recommend you to take the test in advance. That helps you get your head around the questions. Plus, it lets you assess your capabilities before jumping into any contests.

  1. Share the Scores with Friends

To start the battle, share the results with your squad. QuizExpo has made this part easier for you. There is a share button right under the result page.

  1. Compare the Results and Find the Winner

Ask your friends to take the Fortnite quiz as well and share their scores. Now you can identify who’s the FNBR guru in your group.

What Do the Results of the Fortnite Quiz Mean?

Beginner (0-24)

A score between 0 to 24 means that you’re a newbie. Only in 2020, the game got 350 million players. That’s while it had only 250 million players the year before. So, you are not alone.

Here are some tips for beginners:

  • Become a builder rather than a shooter. Fortnite is a different battle royale game. The gameplay is something more than gathering items and killing other players. The “building” function is essential.
  • Always take high. High grounds matter in FNBR. Pro players tend to start the fight when they’re above the enemy. So, use your building skills to create higher structures.
  • Don’t hate on chests. If you’re want to level up faster, open more chests.

Rising Star (25-49)

You’re doing good. Keep up. A score between 25 and 49 is achievable after at least 6 months of playing FNBR. If you got it sooner, you’re a fast-growing player. However, you still want to brush up on some skills. Here are some tips for you:

  • Read about FNBR. It might sound weird, but some Reddit and blog posts are helpful. This beginner guide is an excellent head start. Don’t let the domain name fool you. The articles are not meant to be for rookies only.
  • Engage in more tournaments. The EVENTS tab is there for a reason. Try to compete with higher-ranked players. The more intensity in a battle equals faster progress.

Midway Soldier (50-74)

That’s an almost rare score. People who score more than 50 have been FNBR players for at least a year. Getting it sooner means you’re rising faster than expectations. However, there’s still a long way to go. Here are some tips on how to get a 100 on our Fortnite quiz the next time you try.

  • Follow the news. The Fortnite News page on the Epic Games website is profound. You lost a couple of scores because you probably don’t follow the news.
  • Don’t miss the Hypes. Hype helps you advance faster in the Leagues and Divisions. The challenge keeps you warmed up.

The Old Hand (75-89)

You’re among the few participants that get such a score. QuizExpo test database shows that most gamers who achieve this point have been playing battle royale for at least 1.5 years. But if you’ve earned it earlier, you’re a potential top player. But here are some ideas to help you gain even more points in other Fortnite quizzes.

  • Be aware of the updates. Epic Games and People Can Fly continuously update the game. These modifications usually affect the gameplay as well. So, you should not count on the minor pieces of information about them. Watching tutorial videos right after an update release is an excellent idea. However, you can make it more fun by watching streamers instead of how-to videos.
  • Know the terms. Terminology is everything. FNBR is a multiplayer game. And you’re teamed up with others in each match. So, knowing the terms is AKA “COMMUNICATION.” Try to find the easiest ways to refer to objects, tactics, etc.

Mr. Five-Two-O (90-100)

Well, if your score is 90 to 100, there’s nothing left to say. You’re a perfect Fortnite player when it comes to knowledge. You’re named Mr. 520 because that’s the highest level ever achieved in FNBR—as of 2020.

TAC in FNBR refers to a tactical assault rifle.