No, You Are Not Worthless
You were not born insecure. But you might feel worthless due to trauma, depression, or toxic attachment styles. Regardless, you should know that all the living are worthy of love and happiness, and nothing could determine one’s worth but their actions.
Carl Jung believed, “[Humans] cannot stand a meaningless life.” So, your self-sabotaging feelings, which make you feel worthless and unlovable, are unnatural. They are side effects of physical or emotional abuse or even a mental illness.
This Quiz Reminds You of Your Worth
The following are 20 psychology-backed questions to expose your true value. It’s a self-hatred assessment test that analyzes your personality and actions to declare if you’re an inept, undeserving person.
The useless personality quiz is designed for people self-questioning things like, “Am I a loser?” But the underlying purpose is to highlight your significance and push you towards self-love.
7 Signs You Are Struggling with Self-Loathing
Feeling worthless has various red flags. For the most part, it influences your self-confidence, causing questions like “Am I lovely?” But there are other signs, too, that indicate you’re self-sabotaging.
You are your cruelest critic.
Self-loathing individuals are overly harsh on themselves. They don’t leave any room for mistakes or imperfections.
You believe others are better than you.
Insecurity and feeling worthless go hand-in-hand. And it causes low self-esteem around others—because you assume you’re inferior.
You neglect self-care.
Don’t mistake self-sabotage for laziness. It’s not that you’re lethargic to care for yourself. It’s that you don’t think it matters. You neglect yourself because you believe you deserve it.
You are a pessimistic person.
Inevitably, self-hatred leads to cynical views on life. So, if you can’t see the good in your life, you struggle with inferiority or feel worthless.
You isolate yourself.
In your eyes, no one loves you, and you have no friends. So, why bother hanging out with people who hate you? However, such interpretations only lead to self-isolation and loneliness, eventually worsening your self-loathing attitude.
You pretend to be someone else.
Self-questioning your worth is painful. So, you might put on a mask and pretend to be a lovely and popular person to cope. But it will turn you into a people pleaser—and hide your problems under the carpet for a while.
You don’t set goals.
Dreaming becomes challenging when dealing with questions like, “Am I worthless?” Self-hate separates you from fantasizing, leaving you pessimistic assumptions about the future.
5 Reasons You Feel So Worthless
Why I feel so worthless, you might wonder. It’s either because of your parents’ negligence, physical or mental traumas, internal or external triggers (e.g., depression or school bullying), or insecurity.
#1. You’ve had unloving parents.
Children who are deprived of parental love struggle with self-hatred. So, you might ask, “Am I worthless?” because your mom and dad made you feel this way.
#2. You’ve been physically or emotionally abused.
Manipulation is one of the main reasons some grow self-hatred. Often, manipulators cause a victim mentality and impose a feeling of guilt to continue their sabotage. And that might leave you with emotional scars, destroying your self-worth.
#3. You’re exposed to external or internal triggers.
Any negative thought, comment, or behavior might make you feel worthless. For external triggers, cyber-bullying, school bullying, verbal abuse, and social pressure come to mind. However, internal stimuli are thought processes, mental illnesses, or personality disorders that push you into believing you’re worthless.
#4. You don’t forgive yourself.
Lack of self-forgiveness creates an unlovable image of a foul-up who doesn’t deserve proper treatment and is not worthy of love or respect.
#5. You’re using the wrong measurements.
You may question your value because you feel unproductive or underachieving. But those are not good metrics for self-evaluation. Your worth is not dependent on how you measure up to others, and by overthinking your achievements, all you do is damage your self-esteem.
How to Stop Feeling Worthless All the Time
Kati Morton, a licensed therapist, offers the Bridge Statements technique to deal with self-hatred. Bridge Statements are slightly positive mindsets that leave room for self-love. For example, you can practice asking yourself, “What if I’m not as worthless as I think I am?” instead of assuming you’re worthless.
Here’s how to practice the technique:
– Replace “I’m fat and ugly” with “Maybe I’m not that fat, and people actually love my look.”
– Replace “No one loves me” with a Bridge Statement like, “Maybe most people love me.”
– Instead of saying, “I’m useless,” say something like, “I could be useful in many jobs.”
Questions You Should Ask Instead of “Am I Worthless?”
You’re about to take a useless personality quiz, which indicates you might be self-sabotaging. So, please, ask yourself the following questions in advance.
Am I depressed?
You might need a depression test for that. But the thing is that depressed individuals often feel unworthy as a result of their condition. So, they might need medications and therapy to practice self-love.
Am I being manipulated?
You assume you’re inferior to others when you’re being manipulated. So, it’s crucial to ensure no toxic person affects your self-assessments.
Read Before Taking the Useless Personality Quiz
It’s not normal to have questions like, “Am I worthless?” So, please, don’t ignore your emotions and seek professional help. You can always talk to a therapist about your problems and care for your mental health with their help.
Please, consider calling 988 or (1-800-273-8255) if you think about self-harm or suicide. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7 help and free support through trained counselors.
QuizExpo is not associated with any of the names/organizations mentioned in the self-worth test.
The useless personality quiz does not provide any medical diagnosis or prescription. The questionnaire aims to remind the participants of their worth and encourage them to care for themselves.