Who’s underweight?
If your weight is 10% below the average weight for your age and gender, you’re underweight. Another way to tell if you’re malnourished is by looking into your BMI. Anything below 18.5 indicates you have a nourishment problem causing you to lose excessive weight.
Body Mass Index is usually used to determine if you are fat. But it also exposes undernourishment. You should note that BMI doesn’t distinguish between fat and muscle. So, the results are not 100% reliable.
That’s why the ‘Am I Underweight Quiz’ uses additional factors and symptoms to come up with reliable answers. Here’s everything you need to know about the test.
A Quiz to Reveal if You’re Underweight
An average woman who weighs 107 pounds or less is often considered undernourished. In men, the person is assumed underweight when the body fat percentage is below 2 to 5%. But most people don’t have the proper tools to measure their weight, height, and body percentage.
We created a simple (but accurate) quiz that inspects your physical appearance as well as your lifestyle. The goal is to identify if you’re at risk of malnourishment.
You learn the following information about yourself by filling out the questionnaire.
Analyze your eating habits.
Eating disorders are the primary reason for undernourishment. But the way you eat determines if you’re underweight or not. Skipping meals, consuming unhealthy foods, or having a low-protein diet can lead to weight loss. That’s why the ‘Am I Underweight Quiz’ looks into your meals and the way you eat.
Evaluate the symptoms.
Being underweight has several symptoms, such as feeling dizzy, cold, or unenergetic all the time. Your body needs a certain amount of calory to function correctly. When you’re undernourished, the food is consumed by your vital organs. So, your body starts becoming weak and unable to generate enough energy.
You may not even be aware of some red flags yet. That’s why the Underweight Quiz evaluates all the possible signs of a diet problem.
Get a comprehensive breakdown.
The test can deliver accurate results by analyzing your lifestyle, physic, and diet. By the end, you receive a detailed analysis of your current condition. Participants who’re at risk of undernourishment will also receive additional tips on dealing with their condition.
8 Signs the Quiz Looks into to Determine if You’re Underweight
You may wonder how does the Am I Underweight Quiz work. Aside from questions about your lifestyle and eating habits, the test examines eight crucial red flags. (See below).
1. Low energy
Being undernourished means your body lacks micronutrition to provide energy. So, an underweight person usually feels tired, exhausted, and even moody. If you constantly ask yourself, “Why am I so tired?” you might be undernourished.
2. Dizziness
Another sign that the ‘Am I Underweight Quiz’ inspects is feeling lightheaded and dizzy. When you lack sufficient food, your blood pressure drops. And that might lead to blackouts.
3. Forgetfulness
If you keep forgetting things and you’re struggling with brain fog, you might be underweight. Studies show that lack of certain micronutrition can lead to short-term memory loss. You should know what vitamins to take to prevent forgetfulness.
4. Hair loss and skin issues
Underweight people often have brittle hair and dry skin.
5. Headaches
Unexplainable headaches are another sign of possible malnourishment. So, the Am I Underweight Quiz will ask you questions about any sort of pain around the head and shoulders to determine potential conditions.
6. Feeling cold
When underweight, your body doesn’t have enough fat to store heat. So, you constantly feel cold regardless of the weather. The quiz, therefore, tries to identify if your overall body temperature is lower than expected or not. If yes, you’re at risk of being malnourished.
7. Excessive thirst
Mouth dryness and the need for liquids are other red flags. The Am I Underweight Quiz looks into how much water you consume per day. The goal is to identify if your thirst is abnormal, excessive, or unusual. If it is, you’re probably struggling with malnourishment of some sort.
8. Missing periods
In our First Period Quiz, we explained why you might miss specific menstruation cycles. And being overweight is one of them. If you suddenly stopped going through menses, you might want to see a nutritionist.
Who Should Take the ‘Am I Underweight Quiz?’
Anyone who thinks their weight is below the average should take the test. It’ll help them get their head around the idea and determine possible problems. Malnourishment is treatable with no need for medicines in most cases. The quiz result lets you know if you need to see a doctor/nutritionist and start treatment or not.
Why a BMI Calculator Is Not a Good Option
Body Mass Index cannot distinguish between fat and muscle. So, a very lean and athletic person might be considered overweight with such a metric. The same inaccuracy is true about underweight individuals as well. Since the fat-muscle ratio is not clear in the BMI outcome, you cannot tell if the person is malnourished or not.
The ‘Am I Underweight Quiz’ is not a medical test. We don’t recommend consuming self-prescribed medicine or drastic diet change because of the test results. You should consult a doctor or nutritionist before making any decisions. The only person who can tell if you’re underweight or not is a trained and certified medic.